Handgun Cowboy Action Maybe you’re involved with formal, sanctioning organizations for Cowboy Action shooting. Maybe you just like to go out on a weekend and shoot the “Guns that Won the West” or that your favorite TV and movie cowboy heroes toted. Ei
The wholesome family sport ofcowboy action shooting(CAS) has got its members wearingperiod costumes, and shooting atmetal targetsusing original six-guns of the period or replicas. CAS has not only introduced the Cowboy Culture to all its members, it also revived the love and respect for the ...
Custom Polished and Jeweled Hammers and Triggerson rifles, pistols and 1897's for $45 a gun. Welcome to the website ofJim McMahon akaJimmy Spurs. I am a full-time gunsmith that specializes in working on competition firearms, especially Cowboy Action Shooting firearms. I can help make your...
If you like watching westerns, reading westerns and shooting “Old West” guns, Cowboy Action Shooting is your game. Luckily for you, CAS events can be found around the USA and even overseas. I encourage you to visit the SASS and NCOWS websites, find a club match nearby and check it ...
The unique blend of side-scrolling action and gallery-style arcade shooting makes for a deadly combo that holds up surprisingly well in 2025. Reloaded ups the ante by adding two new playable characters, a host of fresh stages and bosses, and expanded multiplayer support with online rankings. ...
The Western Action Shooting Society, Inc. (WASS), New Zealand (NZ) 3rd Annual Cowboy Championship and New Zealand End of Trail was held October 22-25, 1999. WASS is the organizing body in New Zealand for Western Action Shooting and, as such, assists clubs throughout the country to run...
"Walunt Hill Gang - Michigan Chapter" in January 2010 getting ready for Winter Range! (Deuce Stevens, Tessa Two Gunner, Slo Mo, and Nunica Kid, all shooting guns done by Cowboy Gunworks during a Saturday practice session. Spinter Jack and Deuce Stevens manning the Cowboy Gunworks booth at...
Whatever you decide, you need to structure your training program to this decision because it will have a major effect on the types of guns and gear you will purchase or acquire. As you all probably know, cowboy action shooting is expensive. As handguns, rifles and shotguns alone can cost...
Hope this helps all you shooters, both new and experienced. Lock up you guns in a gun safe when not in use. Here are a few to choose from: Tags:cowboy action shooting,shooting « Previous Entries Subscribe Featured Items Recent Posts ...
The single-action revolvers featured above are all SASS-approved and in compliance with cowboy action shooting regulations. If you are looking for guns of superior quality and reputation for the sport, or if you just want to add one more to your competition arsenal, they are right here so ...