Effects of cow diet on the microbial community and organic matter and nitrogen content of fecesDNA fingerprintingmanure compositionbacterial diversitydairy farmingKnowledge of the effects of cow diet on manure composition is required to improve nutrient use efficiency and to decrease emissions of N to ...
So, cow manure fertilization is more suitable for tea plantation.Background Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a perennial economic plant in China. Tea cultivation demands more nitrogen for high yield and quality component [1, 2]. However, in order to maximize the tea yields, large amount of chemical...
3.Chicken manure: Chicken manure contains rich nutrients. That is contain the dry matter:89.8%, crude protein:28.8%, and crude fiber:12.7%, and digestible protein:14.4%, and nitrogen-free extract:28.8%, and phosphorus:2.6% Calcium:8.7%,Histidine:0.23%,methionine:0...
In this study, nitrogen-doped activated carbon (NAC) and Beta zeolite were synthesized from residual carbon (RC) and fine slag (FS), which were separated from coal gasification fine slag (CGFS) through flotation. These materials were used in tandem catalytic pyrolysis of cow manure (CM) to ...
Nitrate leaching from an organic dairy crop rotation: the effects of manure type, nitrogen input and improved crop rotation Four management systems combining high and low livestock densities (0.7 and 1.4 livestock units ha 1 ) and different types of organic manure (slurry and st... J Eriksen,...
3.Chicken manure: Chicken manure contains rich nutrients, Contains: dry matter:89.8%, crude protein:28.8%, crude fiber:12.7%, digestible protein:14.4%, nitrogen-free extract:28.8%, phosphorus:2.6% Calcium:8.7%,Histidine:0.23%,methionine:0.11%, leucine:0.87%, lysine:0.5...
华南农大本科生以第一作者在一区发表文章 | 近日,华南农业大学农学院20级本科生裴毅以第一作者身份在一区TOP期刊 Journal of Cleaner Production(影响因子11.07)发表题为“ Effects of nitrogen fertilizer substitution by cow manure on yield, net GHG emissions, carbon and nitrogen footprints in sweet maize far...
1.Dynamic changes of organic nitrogen forms during the dairy manure composting;牛粪堆肥过程中有机态氮的动态变化 2.The effects of different phase inoculums on gasification characteristics in anaerobic procss for dairy manure;不同阶段沼液作发酵接种物对牛粪产气的影响 3.Effect of different initial carbo...
The cow manure was gathered from a livestock farm in Harbin, China. As shown in Table 1, the characteristics of fresh cow manure (Day-0) included temperature, moisture, pH, ORP, the ratio of total carbon and total nitrogen (C/N), VS and ash contents. Composting was performed using a ...
Indeed, concern still exists due to the high concentration of nitrogenous compounds in manure, which may act as potential inhibitors in AD. However, CM contains a relatively low concentration of nitrogen components compared with frequently used pig and poultry manure (Siddique Md Nurul and Ab Wahid...