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After central banks murder the bond market, now stocks are cheap. You can’t make it up. MonkeyBusiness Dec 21, 2020 at 11:08 am For someone whose name has the word “stock” in it, Stockman has been wrong too many times to coun...
I sold it as-is to a guy who said he was going to use it as a father-son fix up project with his kid, but I really hope he was lying to make me feel better about selling it so cheap, and his real plan was to part it out on Ebay. Hopefully I will never own a car again....
What if fast fashion doesn’t do us any good, and instead just makes us addicted to cheap, badly made products? -- A moment of enlightenment from Cloak of Protection The fine cloak, jacket...
dance bars etc. If you want to sit out and sip on beers it can be cheap , but if you wish to go inside , it can cost you couple baht extra for the same beer. The minute you enter you are given menu to order , you must order for the number of people you have entered with, ...
I prefer a cheap reusable coffee filter. I just toss mine in the dishwasher. reply to comment Emma says April 4, 2014 at 12:03 am Hello! I just read your post and had a question. We have a milk cow that we just bred and she is due in about a month. We bought her after she...
the idea strikes us as more of an exercise in nostalgia than a viable product plan. (We do think, however, that the cheap minitruck is a niche just waiting to be resuscitated, since even compact trucks have grown ponderously large in recent years. We’re actually kind of surprised that ...
[B]) is too cheap to put on the heat. He just wears old ripped up sweaters. The office is really split across two “shops” in a strip mall. I’m wedged into a corner back in a server room at a desk that my knees don’t fit under, and that doesn’t have any drawers. A ...
For wetting of the bed. Ah me, those happy days have flown; My boy's a father too, And little Willies of his own Do what he used to do. And I! Ah, all that's left of me Is dreams of pleasure fled; Our boys ain't what they used to be ...