moose- large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America Alces alces,elk,European elk cervid,deer- distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers ...
Karl LicisThe Gazette
gunned Ralph down and Jamie’s mission was to hunt him down and put an end to his killing. Each stage had Jamie confronting Flash in a different situation and each time it appeared that he escaped by the skin of his teeth. Sunday brought the shooters out in droves even though it was ...
There is plenty of deer and elk and everything else for that bear to eat. No he has to pick on easy livestock that the farmer or rancher has hundreds of dollars invested in. People don’t understand what raising and owning livestock is about. Now that farmer is out the money, and ...
On a late hunt I was in pursuit of the wily wapiti. I was following a fresh set of tracks, which looked like they could have been made by a bull, but they looked a bit strange. Just…. different, somehow. Finally, I got a glimpse of a greyish-tan hide through the bushes. Grey?
It's not unusual to spot a random grizzly if you visit the Tetons. But, it's not common to actually capture video of one chasing down an elk herd.
IDAHO GOES BULLS-ONLY Panhandle Cow Elk Hunt NixedThe 2012 season will go down in history as the first year theIdaho Panhandle has not offered a...Landers, Rich
Waiting for the elk to pass on their return to the mountains to the valleys; Throwing of ropes over the elk's head; Ear-marking of the elks before setting them free.GoladFrankS.EBSCO_AspSports Afield
MILKING THE COW TAG Drawing Antlerless Elk Permit Is Ticket to a Trophy HuntBull elk command a lot of interest, but antlerless elk - cows andcalves of the year - outnumber...