Is the caste barrier breaking due to increased love marriages in India? Religion Vs Nation - Write an essay on the harmony and the conflict? Poverty and the Indian story of the numbers below the poverty line. What are the solutions?
These neologisms appear ei-ther in the title, introduction, or essay of the publication, but the author does notlemmatize nor define them among the items collected.Another noteworthy publication on the challenges posed by COVID-19 and thevarious responses to the pandemic isGlobális kihívás–...
The overview in Table2allows us to estimate the effect of the average lockdown policy in the spring of 2020, just as we did for the stringency studies in Sect.3.4. First, we use OxCGRT data to calculate the share of the population that faced each of the NPIs from Table2in the spring ...
In his famous essay on anti-Semitism, Sartre (1946:24) argues that anti-Semites are well aware that their disparaging remarks about Jews are absurd, but they find them amusing nonetheless. I have an inkling the same is true, mutatis mutandis, of those who thought up and use many of the...
In this narrative medicine essay, a psychiatrist finds that the difficulties she had helping her parents obtain Paxlovid seemed a common experience among
This article addresses public attitudes towards government measures to contain preventable diseases in China in light of personal privacy and social safety controversies. Using a nationwide Internet survey of 776 Chinese adults and an online worldview da
The Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic In order to understand the long-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to understand the context in which it emerged. The COVID-19 pandemic was first detected in the city of Wuhan in China's Hubei province in late 2019. The ...
E. Goffman Frame Analysis: an Essay on the Organisation of Experience Harper & Row, New York (1974) Google Scholar Greenberg, 1963 J. Greenberg The Languages of Africa, C5, Indiana University Research (1963), p. 3 Google Scholar Holstad et al., 2013 M.M. Holstad, I. Ofotokun, M....
The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to stigma, discrimination, and even hate crimes against various populations in the Chinese language–speaking wor
Individuals who were 18 years or older, living in the U.S., who speak English and were caring for a child under 18 years old in their home were eligible to participate through Amazon’s online worker pool, Mechanical Turk (MTurk). MTurk workers are reported as more diverse, but otherwise...