Respiratory illnesses like the common cold, flu, RSV and COVID-19 share some similar symptoms, which can make it difficult to tell them apart. Here’s a breakdown of these four viruses including common symptoms for each, how the viruses spread and how to help stop the spread of germs on ...
另一方面,Flu的早期症状通常是严重的疲劳。 身体疼痛:Flu病毒通常会导致严重的身体疼痛。COVID病毒有时会出现疼痛,但并不总是如此。 疲劳和虚弱:与身体疼痛非常相似,疲劳和虚弱在Flu中更常见,通常比COVID更严重。 鼻塞或流鼻涕、打喷...
"We're not really in a COVID-19 season orflu season, but in a respiratoryinfectionseason," says Dr. John O'Horo, aninfectious diseasesspecialist at Mayo Clinic. "It's impossible to distinguish based on symptoms from a regular cold to RSV to COVID-19 or flu—especially if you have a ...
Possibly not, though unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer here. Because while we talk about cold and flu season, in reality these viruses strike at different times in different years, and they do not give us advance notice of their plans. The immunity we develop from the av...
Respiratory syncytial virus (or RSV) is a common virus causing a flu-like lung infection calledbronchiolitis. This mostly seriously affectschildren under the age of two. Although RSV infections usually cause mild cold symptoms, they are also responsible for a significant number of deathsin children...
Céline Gounder, a CBS News medical contributor and editor-at-large for public health at KFF Health News, shared what you need to know about protecting yourself from COVID-19, the respiratory illness RSV and the flu — three infections that raised concerns last winter about the threat of a...
最近,很多人都病了,有些人是发烧、咳嗽、头很疼、肚子很不舒服,还便秘……是不是都以为是呼吸道疾病,比如COVID、 Flu、RSV,或者是三者皆有? 都想岔了,其实,这些症状都是“蛇缠腰”下的手! 你没听错,最近这一段时间,俗称...
In the winter months, it seems few are safe from some kind of illness — flu, COVID-19, norovirus, colds.
这段时间美国因为covid, flu,RSV三毒并存,我肉眼可见戴口罩的人增加了。更有意思的是,我跟老公都遇到过几次这样的情况:在室内一对一的会面中,一开始对方并没有戴口罩,但看到我们戴口罩,他们也立刻把口罩拿出来戴上了。疫情这三年,“口罩”算是一个美国社会以前并不存在的social norm. 看这个norm被提出,被有...
the upcoming fall and winter are expected to have a similar number of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases as last year. However, they say it's important to note that these hospitalization numbers are higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic when the leading causes were the flu and RSV. ...