Ideally a pandemic vaccine should be delivered in a single shot in order to vaccinate as many people as promptly as possible. The vaccine should be easy to ship and store, and trigger no side-effects other than a sore arm. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the Pfizer and Moderna ...
One side effect is “COVID arm” but the mainstream media puppets are telling us that it’s completely normal. But is it? According to Yahoo News, people who have the Moderna coronavirus “vaccine” should not be alarmed if unusual plaques develop on the arm they received the shot in. ...
COVID-19 vaccine, adjuvanted has no noted severe interactions with any other drugs COVID-19 vaccine, adjuvanted has no noted serious interactions with any other drugs COVID-19 vaccine, adjuvanted has no noted moderate interactions with any other drugs COVID-19 vaccine, adjuvanted has no noted m...
"These results also suggest that it may be possible to design future mRNA vaccines that offer robust antibody responses with fewer vaccine-related symptoms," Coggins added. The researchers are now investigating whether there's a connection betweenvaccineside effects and longer-term antibody responses. ...
They don't include vaccine side effects such as fever, chills, or fatigue, which tend to occur within a few days after vaccination. The bottom line? If you're trying to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding, be sure to stay up to date with your COVID shots to protect both you and ...
The side effects are being seen across a number of different vaccines, made in different ways. This does not appear to be a problem linked to a specific type of Covid-19 vaccine. The Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine, which uses a harmless-to-humans virus that i...
Preparing for a Surge in COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims Right now Congress has the chance to pass two bills that could add COVID-19 to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Getting this done in Congress is a must to manage the coming wave of COVID-19 claims in the VICP. ...
If someone gets a headache or feels a bit under the weather after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s become common to hear them say something like “Oh, it just means my immune system is really working hard.” On the flip side, when people don’t notice an...
Side-effects such as muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea and vomiting have also been reported after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines. The side effects also differ depending on which vaccine people received. Women and young people are more likely to have side-effects after vaccination. In...
A Washington post op-ed, by William Haseltine, entitled “Beware of covid-19 vaccine trials designed to succeed from the start” voiced similar concerns (Haseltine2022). Dr. Haseltine advanced the idea that the vaccines could have unknown side effects that occur years after approval. Haseltine ...