A safe and effective vaccine is a critical tool to control the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 25 June 2021, 23 vaccines had advanced to Stage 3 clinical trials1and more than a dozen had been approved in multiple countries2. The BNT162b vaccine from Pfizer–BioNTech, for example, has been app...
Bombshell report from two eminent vaccine specialists reveals COVID mRNA vaccine cause auto immune system to attack vital organs after injection. Autopsies reveal auto immune attacks damages the deceaseds; heart, lings, liver, brain and blood vessels. 3 January 2022 3 January 2022 “On...
While an effective vaccine to inoculate the population against the virus would bring more certainty to the situation, it is unlikely that this will be forthcoming in the short to medium term (Thompson, 2020). In the circumstances, the changes made to Northern Ireland mental health and capacity ...
5 people take part in a vaccination program, to be given a vaccine that requires 2 doses to be effective against the disease. Rebecca has received 2 doses, then a 3rd (booster) dose; Thomas has received 2 doses; James has received 1 dose; ...
(Jews and especially Israelis are also getting the "vaccine." Are they getting a placebo?) My Twitter poll of 270 people: 90% think it likely thatCabalist Jews are planning a holocaustof Christians. Updated from Dec 14, 2016 & April 20, 2022: We need constant reminders of the BIG pictu...
effectiveness of vaccines against symptomatic infection, when compared with the previously dominant Delta infection; however, a booster dose was expected to lead to a moderate to high vaccine effectiveness ranging from 70% to 75% (UK Health Security Agency: COVID-19 variants identified in the UK,...
The higher COVID-19-related mortality among ethnic minorities also meant these groups were likely to be blamed for the continued spread of the virus, while vaccine hesitancy [16] may have also contributed to further othering and blaming of victims for their own deaths [17]. Social media ...
BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine in a nationwide mass vaccination setting. N Engl J Med. 2021;384(15):1412–23. Article CAS Google Scholar Nivette A, Ribeaud D, Murray A, Steinhoff A, Bechtiger L, Hepp U, Shanahan L, Eisner M. Non-compliance with COVID-19-related public health ...
Why is it so important to get the COVID-19 vaccine? "COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you by creating an antibody (immune system) response without having to experience sickness. Getting the vaccine will help you, as well as others in your household and community by creating herd ...
People's trust in the NHS was linked to increased uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic, a study suggests. Ad Public confidence in the information issued by thehealth care systemwas the strongest predictor of vaccine uptake across the four UK nations, researchers found. ...