[37] 老佛爷:《美国CDC:接种益喵者每剂每年死亡可能性增加7%》,今日头条,2023年4月8日。网页链接: [38] Ethan Huff:The post-vaccine WIPEOUT of children’...
As of April 26, 2023, roughly 675 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in the United States. This statistic shows the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the United States as of April 26, 2023, by state or territory. Number...
《美国事实》网(年5月公布了美国2021年3月至2023年5月新冠疫苗(COVID-19疫苗)接种情况数据。数据来源于美国疾病控制与防治中心(CDC)。 《美国事实》网有一个频道“US Coronavirus vaccinetracker”,中文为《美国新型冠状病毒疫苗跟踪器》。本文引用的数据来自这个频道,见参考文献[1]。 下面,我们...
Link: [8]吴国发:《CDC和FDA:注射疫苗者患心脏病风险比未注射者高132倍》,百度APP,2023年7月14日。 网页链接: [9] FDA(食品药品管理局)...
Lorraine Hernandez,who works at a health center in the country's capital,Santo Domingo,said she was thankful to China for providing vaccines that have helped to protect her family."The first vaccine that we—doctors and health personnel—received two years ago was the Chinese Sinovac,"she said...
2022年2月16日,美国《自然新闻》网(发表文章“CONFIRMED:Covid “vaccine” vials definitely contain graphene oxide”,汉语为《已经确认:Covid “疫苗”小瓶肯定含有氧化石墨烯》,作者Ethan Huff(艾詹·哈弗)。这篇文章是根据《暴露新闻》文章的内容写成的。
This reformulation is why health officials are calling this year's shots the "2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine" or simply the "updated COVID-19 vaccine" —no longer using the word "boosters,"like additional doses have been called in previous rollouts. ...
Why the CDC recommends everyone get the new COVID vaccine booster for fall 2023 The rollout of the shots will also mark three major shifts in the U.S. response to the virus: the end of government-bought vaccine supplies, a simplification of who is eligible to get shots and a significant... [8]吴国发:《CDC和FDA:注射疫苗者患心脏病风险比未注射者高132倍》,百度APP,2023年7月14日。网页链接: ...
美国传染病协会的期刊《传染病公开论坛》(Open Forum Infectious Diseases)在2023年6月号发表论文“Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine”,中文为《接种第二剂新冠病毒疫苗的有效性》。该论文预先于2023年4月19日在网上发表,见参考文献[5]。论文指出,接种第二剂新冠疫苗(COVID-19疫苗)对于...