Of those who received a COVID vaccination following MIS-C, mild adverse reactions—mostly arm soreness and fatigue—occurred in 49% of them, similar to the general population. There were no reports of serious complications, including myocarditis or recurrence of MIS-C, the researchers said. "We...
251.b| Reported prime boost regimens and clinical efficacy in patients with cancer. Primary vaccination (prime) usually consists of two vaccine doses (except for Ad26.COV2.S) which are administered at intervals of variable length from 21 days to 3 ...
Guidance on this might vary because there are "some theoretical concerns" that taking a medication like this could affect how well your immune system responds to the vaccine, Murray said. But if you're feeling significant side effects like arm soreness, fever, headache or muscle aches, the ...
"covid arm." this annoying (but ultimately harmless) coronavirus vaccine side effect is something researchers are now beginning to understand a little better. the symptoms of what is colloquially known as covid arm include redness, swelling, and tenderness at the injection site that develop eight...
In this Review, we provide an overview of current knowledge of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with cancer, the risk factors for a reduced vaccine response, safety and measures that might increase protection. Reflecting the available data, we focus primarily on mRNA vaccines an...
I had the Pfizer vaccine in my left arm on Jan. 23rd. I had no side effects at the time, other than a sore arm, as with any shot. However, two days later I lost all hearing in my left ear. I had no history of ear infections or other ear or hearing problems, except for wax ...
She Described some Possible Side Effects of the COVID Vaccine “They do have side effects, and those are normal,” she said. “You can see side effects with most medications that you might use for a variety of reasons. The side effects of those COVID vaccines could be soreness at the ...
2 min into that video and the words "Needle rape" were said, so please just enough already, as this thread is supposed to be for people who have had the vaccine and their experience, hence the thread title, so anyone who has not had the vaccine has no reason to be adding stuff to ...
My Mum's 74 and in the UK and she had both doses of Astra Zeneca some time ago and she had no problems just a sore arm with the second one. New study on Moderna vaccine looks like it will remain protective against recently detected viral variants, including the Delta variant first iden...
Vaccine + VID experience: Vaccined in Jan and Feb. Not really any side effects, more soreness on #2 than the first. I did one in each arm just for no reason other than to do one in each. Soreness for a couple days and that was about it for me. Then tested + and went down...