Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has fundamentally affected the health, healthcare delivery and daily life in all populations and age groups in Australia. The aim of this report is to summarise how it has affected the paediatric population with an emphasis on, but not limited to, the cardiac ...
There's also a link between mRNA COVID vaccines and a rare side effect ofheart inflammation(myocarditis and pericarditis). This seems to be most common in males under 30 and after the second vaccine dose. But this is very rare. Of the5.6 million Pfizer vaccine dosesadministered to Australian...
The third important interaction between influenza and the heart to be on the lookout for is acute heart failure (HF), including cases caused by myocarditis, as well as HF exacerbation. Importantly, he stressed—partly in response to Ge’s reassurances—myocarditis can be caused by direct infiltra...
"The vaccine does two things," Al-Aly said. "It reduces the risks of severe COVID-19, which we know leads to long COVID. And it reduces the viral load, so there is less virus in a vaccinated individual that gets infected than an unvaccinated individual." The study also looked at the...
In December 2020, a week before cardiologist Stuart Katz was scheduled to receive his first COVID-19 vaccine, he came down with a fever. He spent the next two weeks wracked with a cough, body aches and chills. After months of helping others to weather the pandemic, Katz, who works at ...
So while those speaking out in the past have been primarily parents of vaccine-damaged children that the corporate media and medical system have summarily dismissed as “crazy,” now those speaking out are primarily adults who have had their lives...
will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred ...
That night,however,the vaccine absolutely kicked my ass.I'veheardavarietyofstoriesfromdifferentpeopleaboutthestrongreactions,butIwashavingabadtime.Forthenext24hours,Iwasachy,hadaslightfever,andsufferedapoundingheadache.Ifeltterrible.ButI'ddoitagaininaheartbeat.Herearesomereasons,bothselfishandselfless,why...
From the outset, the causative agent was thought to be viral, with most patients reporting fever or dyspnea [9,11]. With unprecedented numbers of individuals under travel restrictions or quarantine, worldwide spread, and no known cure or vaccine yet available, COVID-19 has proven a formidable...
The American Heart Association warns that false information about COVID vaccination and heart defects attributed to the Association may be spreading. The misinformation is inaccurately and incorrectly connected to a recent scientific paper on cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome. ...