Hence, public acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine would be an essential deterrent to the pandemic control.\nMaterials and MethodsA cross-sectional online study was conducted among the Indians from January 1 to January 31, 2021. The online questionnaire addressed several variables, includ...
Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) and diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP)—is generally high in LMICs, providing grounds for optimism about the prospects for COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Table2summarizes general vaccine acceptance14and coverage rates of childhood vaccines in 201815, prior to the curre...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continued to mutate and spread in 2022 despite the introduction of safe, effective vaccines and medications. Vaccine hesitancy remains substantial, fueled in part by misinformation. Our third s
An effective vaccine against COVID-19 is need of the hour. India has been a hub for vaccine productions and Indian pharmaceutical companies have contributed immensely to the vaccine related projects running all over the world. Indian companies have also been pioneers in starting working on COVID-...
Additionally, we asked participants the following question: “If a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available in your country and is recommended for you, will you take it?”; this variable was dichotomized to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance (0 = No/Don't know; 1 = Yes). Participants who ...
In August, the government of India granted Emergency Use Authorization to a COVID-19 DNA vaccine. Pharmaceutical firm Zydus Cadila, in partnership with
COVAXIN®, India's indigenousCOVID-19 vaccineby Bharat Biotech is developed in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - National Institute of Virology (NIV). The indigenous, inactivated vaccine is developed and manufactured in Bharat Biotech'sBSL-3 (Bio-Safety Level 3...
Interestingly, vaccine manufacture that was once monopolized by India, declined in its productivity and stature, primarily for the lack of a strategic vision. The recent approval of COVAXIN, designed and developed in India, for emergency use by the World Health Organization is significant for a ...
Only 30 million people have had the complete two doses of a Covid vaccine in India so far,government data shows. That's a small number (just over 2%%) of India's total population of 1.3 billion people — although around a quarter of that total are under 15 years old and, as such,...
According to the ministry, about 96 percent of the population who are 15 and above have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose while about 83 percent of this group have received two doses.■