The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) on Friday announced that from Jan. 4, Australians aged 18 and over will be eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine booster four months after the second dose, down from five months currently. From the end of January, the recom...
the use in many countries of a third vaccine dose, and high levels of infection-acquired immunity, for some time global levels of SARS-CoV-2 immunity should be at an all time high. For some weeks or months, the world should
Indonesia started mass COVID-19 vaccinations in January last year after the authorities approved the emergency use of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine. Aiming to fully vaccinate 208.26 million people in the country, the government has administered over 310.85 million doses, including the third booster jabs...
著名的英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》早在2022年2月4日就发表Peter Nordström(彼得·诺兹特儒姆)博士等人的论文“Risk of infection, hospitalization, and death up to 9 months after a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine: a retrospective, total population cohort study in Sweden”,中文为《瑞典的一项回顾性批量人口...
the exclusion of nurses from decisions about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Australia has also been noted. Our recent study of Australian nursing and midwifery educators (Wynter et al.,2021) highlighted the lack of input that many nurses feel they have in COVID-19 decisions. One participant...
2023年1月8日,美国政治经济学研究所(Institute for Political Economy, IPE)发表文章“The COVID ‘vaccine’ is an intentional effort at world genocide”,汉语为《COVID “疫苗”是蓄意为之,旨在实施世界性的种族灭绝》,作者是IPE所长Paul Craig Roberts(鲍尔·克瑞格·罗伯特),见参考文献[1]。
have the 2 tracks—COVID and non-COVID—now things are getting worse for the non-COVID. The elective surgeries are happening again, so we are starting to move again to the non-COVID. And we will need to be prepared for this, not for 2 or 3 or 4 months, but until a vaccine is...
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an EUA to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals aged 6 months through 11 years of age. The emergency use of this product is on...
Food & Drug Administration extended the shelf life for Johnson & Johnson's single-shot COVID-19 vaccine to six months from four-and-a-half months, the company said late Wednesday. The FDA's decision is based on data from ongoing studies, which showed the vaccine ...
Although the COVID-19 vaccine candidates promise to overcome the pandemic, a more significant and clear understanding is needed. In this review, we brief about the clinical trial of some leading candidates, their effectiveness, and their neutralizing effect on SARS-CoV-2 variants. Further, we ...