4月14日,英国《暴露新闻》网(Expose-News.com)发表文章,“COVID Vaccines have caused at least 14,000% increase in Cancer Cases in the USA according to CDC”,中文为《根据CDC的数据,COVID疫苗导致美国癌症病例至少增加了14,000%》,简称《COVID疫苗导致美国癌症病例激增》,作者是《暴露新闻》编辑。文章的...
[9] EXPOSÉ Editor: “Covid Vaccination knocks up to 2.5 Decades off a Man’s life according to CDC”, Expose-News.com, April 1, 2023. Link: https://expose-news.com/2023/04/01/covid-vaccination-knocks-25years-off-mans-life-cdc/ [10] 老佛爷:《美国CDC:接种疫苗者每剂每年死亡可能...
[9] EXPOSÉ Editor: “Covid Vaccination knocks up to 2.5 Decades off a Man’s life according to CDC”, Expose-News.com, April 1, 2023. Link: https://expose-news.com/2023/04/01/covid-vaccination-knocks-25years-off-mans-life-cdc/ [10] 老佛爷:《美国CDC:接种疫苗者每剂每年死亡可能性...
Link:https://www.newstarget.com/2023-06-21-heart-disease-risk-13200-percent-covid-vaccination.html [7] Ethan Huff: “Heart disease risk skyrockets 13,200% following covid injections”, CDC admits, VaccineWars.com, June 21, 2023. Link:https://vaccinewars.com/2023-06-21-heart-disease-ris...
If you test positive for COVID-19. Everyone, regardless of vaccination status must stay home for 5 days and mask up for another 5 days around others. Check the county's community transmission here. CDC COVID Data Tracker What Prevention Steps Should You Take Based on Your COVID-19 Com...
2023年4月1日,英国《暴露新闻》网(Expose-News.com)发表文章 “Covid Vaccination knocks up to 2.5 Decades off a Man’s lifeaccording to CDC”,中文为《根据美国疾病预防控制中心的数据,Covid 疫苗接种将使一个人的寿命减少25年》,作者是《暴露新闻》编辑,见参考文献[1]、[2]。
Why you might not want to rush to get the new COVID vaccine Updated COVID-19 vaccines are arriving for the fall and winter season. Experts say you should get vaccinated, but you may not need to rush to receive the shot.
https://vaccinewars.com/2023-06-21-heart-disease-risk-13200-percent-covid-vaccination.html [8] 吴国发:《CDC和FDA:注射疫苗者患心脏病风险比未注射者高132倍》,百度APP,2023年7月14日。网页链接: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1771366054016118281&wfr=spider&for=pc ...
https://expose-news.com/2023/04/01/covid-vaccination-knocks-25years-off-mans-life-cdc/ [10] 老佛爷:《美国CDC:接种疫苗者每剂每年死亡可能性增加7%》,今日头条,2023年4月8日。网页链接: https://www.toutiao.com/article/7219442170627981881/