Other people like to book a room in a hotel near home. A number of hotels in Changsha have provided “hotel vacations” for locals. Some also organized reading parties in the hotel for families to enjoy together. 1. Su felt ___ when he received some gifts. A. warm B. surprised ...
Also be mindful about where you're taking summer vacations, be smart, and remember your decisions impact every person you interact with (family, friends, co-workers). Furthermore, with the reopening of school over a month away, our commitment to social distancing becomes even more vital. ...
For the first 62 years of my life, I don’t recall anyone calling me a selfish idiot, much less a sociopath or a mouth-breathing Trumptard. All that changed when Covid rolled in and I expressed, ever so gingerly, a few concerns about the lockdown policies. Here’s a sampling of wha...
they have canceled their vacations and time off to be available for our sickest patients. When initially COVID happened and we wanted our frontline team members to put their lives at risk, we were astonished and shocked to see that they were signing up to be the frontline people, ...
More immediately, few people want to, nor should, swim downstream from an industrial facility or near a large port. Consequently, people invest in private pools and go on vacations. Perversely, clean-up efforts to mitigate environmental damage contribute to GDP growth. Likewise, if drinking water...
you want to go and what you want to see.You can choose a place you went in the past or a place you'd like to go.Maybe you feel like relaxing on a beautiful beach in Sanya.Perhaps you want to walk side by side with elephants in Africa.You can even take virtual space vacations!
I didn’t take any vacations or attend any social gatherings (large or small), I wore a mask in public, I followed the social distancing rules and at first, I trusted Dr. Fauci and the DC public health officials made science-based recommendations. I don’t have any trust in Dr. Fauci...
When overseas, especially in the often less traveled places where I have tendency to live and work, or while on once in a lifetime vacations, the stories are easier to write. Sitting in a nondescript apartment in Northern Virginia as I telework feels far more conventional, even if in a ...
Parents may see spring as a time of renewal and create a sense of balance around upcoming summer activities, vacations (or staycations), socialization, and community-building. These efforts may include: Adjusting the schedule to include more socialization with other ch...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a frequent topic of conversation for most of us over the past year. As we dreamt of indoor dining, vacations, and hugging our friends again, my friend Ana texted that her mother, living in Brazil, had been infected by the coronavirus. I won’t go into ...