Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s update released Tuesday, which she delivered virtually due to COVID-19 concerns, shows that the deficit for this year is on track to hit $144.5 billion, below the government’s previous forecast of a $154.7 billion deficit. The better-than-expected...
Victoria to urge province to keep temporary patio liquor licences for summer The City of Victoria is establishing a process for restaurants to apply to make outdoor seating areas created during the pandemic permanent.Read more… Region of Waterloo council repeals bylaw requiring face coverings Region...
According to an update by DGS on July 7 tonorm 004/2020, here are the fullCovid-19 isolation updates: People with asymptomatic infection or mild illness: 5 days People with asymptomatic infection or mild illness, hospitalize or in an elderly residence: 7 days ...
Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington; 2016. Google Scholar Moriyama M, Hugentobler WJ, Iwasaki A. Seasonality of respiratory viral infections. Annu Rev Virol. 2020;7:83–101. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar OMS, World Health Organization. Ten threats to global health in 2019; 2019. ...
Advertisement 1 Canada's doctors can't practise anywhere in the country due to interprovincial barriers The Canadian Medical Association has long pushed for a 'pan-Canadian approach' as part of the response to the health workforce crisis
Sources: Nathan Notah, Alex Carlisle, Victoria Manymules. 2 Hopi Reservation Population: 9,268 Challenges: The Hopi Reservation is entirely surrounded by the Navajo Nation Reservation. All but essential services are shut down in response to COVID-19. Communication is a challenge -- a local radio...
when u get vaccinated ur period might come early and/or be heavier, i’m nearly a week early this is bullshit <emoji> (my sister who also got vaxxed with me this morning also started hers today) Reflecting on Wave 1 phenomena, the primary contribution of Voice 1 speakers was that they...
A year ago today, a respiratory disease now part of everyday repertoire officially landed in B.C. in the form of a presumptive case in a man who had recently travelled to Wuhan, China. In December 2019, the outbreak of a new coronavirus was first identified in China’s Hubei province. ...
Interstate, NSW recorded 17,229 new cases (10,162 RAT and 7067 PCR) and 115 people died with the virus. There are now 1290 COVID-19 patients in the state’s hospitals and 29 people in ICU. Victoria’s weekly COVID-19 update has yet to be published today...
Authoritarianism,Bio-fascism,CFMEU,Coronavirus,COVID-19,Daniel Andrews,Dr Fauci,Lockdown,Medical Apartheid,propaganda,Totalitarianism,Vaccine Mandates,Victoria|7 Comments “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims ...