With the COVID-19 pandemic now in its third year, it is important that children and teens stay up-to-date on their vaccinations, and pharmacists can help familiarize them and their parents with the different vaccines and learn which are appropriate for pediatric use. Children and teens can ge...
The committee was asked to integrate the most up-to-date evidence from medicine and public health with evidence about what is best for children and youth in view of the political and practical realities in schools and communities. The committee’s report, Reopening K-12 Schools During the COV...
Children face learning loss, with studies showing that they are behind in math and reading, and face setbacks in social-emotional development due to disrupted in-person instructional time. Missed milestones for younger children include skills like learning to work in groups, lining up and moving in...
This review and meta-analysis present the occurrence of different symptoms up to 1 year of follow-up for previously hospitalized patients. Methods We performed a systematic review from PubMed and Web of Science using keywords such as “COVID-19”, “SARS-CoV-2”, “sequelae”, “long-term ...
In the late 1960s, roles that involved repetitive tasks involving manual work made up 34% of all jobs. These have been easier to automate, and as a result these jobs have now shrunk to 26% of all jobs. By contrast, jobs involving hea...
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China is closely following and concerned about the epidemic situation in the United States and sincerely hopes that the United States contains the spread of the epidemic at an early date so as to reduce the losses inflicted by the disease upon the American people, Xi told Trump. ...
Disclaimer: This is a fast moving field. Information is up to date at time of publishing SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in China in late 2019 and has since spread rapidly around the world. As the world scrambles to learn more about COVID-19, the disease it causes, the novel virus continues...
Officials´ tweets are the primary sources for this study. Tweets are short messages of 140 to 280 characters that provide up to date bursts of information including images, videos and links to other websites. Both authors overviewed an initial subset of the Tweets to establish the coding pro...
“The risk of hospitalization remains low, especially among people who are up to date on their COVID vaccines. However, the staggering rise in cases … has led to a high number of total hospitalizations,” she added. LIVE UPDATES: The latest on the pandemic To combat the massive strain...