COVID-19 in Australia and the Consequences of the Epidemic for the Political and Legal Situation (COVID-19 w Australii i konsekwencje epidemii dla sytuacji polityczno-prawnej)AustraliaCOVID_19Foreign policyAustralian foreign policySafetyBiosecurity...
NSW Health Deputy Secretary Susan Pearce warned that the healthcare system is under pressure and the situation may last for a while. "We expect for the next several weeks that we will see that pressure continuing," Pearce said. "We also expect that once it starts to decline, it will likel...
Meat processors and retailers have faced a similarly dire situation as the Australian Meat Industry Council said that less than 30 percent of rostered workers had presented for work last week. To reduce the pressure on supply chains, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Thursday that r...
Change in job situation due to COVID-19 in Australia 2022 Attitude towards working from home after coronavirus crisis in Hong Kong 2020 Waiting time for healthcare workers to get COVID-19 test results in the UK 2020 Share of U.S. adults who were worried about COVID-19 as of March 11,... Update of COVID-19 Situation in Australia.(Including New south wales situation) The Cost of COVID-19 Tracking the cost of COVID-19 across China, Europe and the United States in human lives and economies. Flattening the curve - COVID-19 🦠 A simple dash...
Policy effectiveness is compared in terms of the percentage of people allowed to travel relative to the pre-pandemic period and the pandemic situation in the country if it adopted a given policy. The first two policies were the most extreme: all countries are fully open or fully closed, ...
pandemic situation. The insurance sector faces significant reputational and regulatory risks if it is not seen to be adequately fulfilling its duty in protecting business and consumers. There is a unique opportunity, as well as an urgent need, to learn the lessons and work together in the future...
dollars this year due to the drop in the number of outbound Chinese tourists while also predicting a boost to China's domestic tourism as situation within the country improves. "China is a very big country, so it has an advantage in improving the domestic tourism," he said, adding ...
"The fact that we have identified an increasing number of cases from travellers overseas I think reflects the evolving situation in those countries," Chant said. "We've been able to diagnose these cases, institute isolation and quarantine any contacts with these cases to prevent further transmissio...
"While we recognize the situation could change if a new variant of concern emerges or there is a surge in cases, this step is designed to minimize the disruption of COVID-19 on our local businesses when it is safe to do so."