Working from home is a convenience employees don't want to surrender, according to recent poll. Conducting business from your home is still an option is you're self-employed, and you also might be able to claim the home office tax deduction. Working from home has its own unique distractions...
69). Window-based sex workers are commonly self-employed (van Stempvoort, 2021, p. 70), as it is the case for sex workers who work from home where it is permitted. The opting-in status implies that ‘[…] sex workers can neither derive any of the rights and benefits of an employee...
This definition excludes the business income of the self-employed. The second is the total income, including financial and business income. We use the first measure as our benchmark in the main text and report the regression results with the second in “Appendix”. We estimate each user’s ...
Taxpayers (including those who are self-employed) will be able todefer paying the employer portion of certain payroll taxesthrough the end of 2020. The delay provisions apply to all employers regardless of size. The 2020 deferred amounts will be due in two equal installment...
Kaplan–Meier survival curve of time to COVID-19-associated hospitalization, stratified by psychiatric disorder status. Time 0 is December 16, 2021, which was the earliest date a patient could start contributing eligible follow-up. Sites had staggered entries from December 16 to 26, 2021 based ...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vast differences in approaches to the control and containment of coronavirus across the world and has demonstrated the varied success of such approaches in minimizing the transmission of coronavirus. Whil
because the location of meetings that differ from where they have historically been held may lead a tax authority to eventually conclude that the subsidiary is now managed elsewhere. Similarly, countries could potentially assert that directors or managers who are employed by one subsidiary but who ma...
(A) an inability to rehire employees who had been employed on February 15, 2020, and an inability to hire similarly qualified employees for unfilled positions byDecember 31, 2020, or (B) an inability to return to the same level of business activity at which the borrower was operating before...
2021), much of the critical mass of COVID-19 research focuses on developed countries. Both behavioral and demographic data and studies on COVID-19 in developing countries are limited (Chookajorn,2020; Loayza,2020). Our goal is to complement prior research on the self-employed from racial ...
In the present study, individuals were more likely to have a longer sick leave duration if they were female, older, self-employed or unemployed, single (with or without children), or had a history of sick leave prior to COVID-19. However, individuals were less likely to have a longer si...