After screening, a total of 54 Sina Weibo posts mainly reporting female medical personnel and 210 posts reporting male medical personnel were retrieved, while 49 WeChat articles mainly reporting female medical personnel and 103 articles for male medical personnel were respectively included in the study...
The first reported cases appeared in 1981 as doctors started treating patients suffering from severely impaired immune systems. Fauci and his laboratory researched the unknown illness and made significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of the deadly disease. As adviser to U.S. Pres....
2, including COVID-19. Identifying misperceptions that can fuel vaccine hesitancy and creating effective communication strategies to overcome them are a global public health priority3,4,5. Medical doctors are a trusted source of advice about vaccinations6...
“The poll shows that most of the nation still trusts the [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] on vaccines -- but there is a partisan gap, and most Republicans don’t trust the nation’s regulatory and s...
Asian countries begin to introduce mandatory screenings at airports of all arrivals from high-risk areas of China. The United States reported its first COVID-19 case. 10.01 The gene sequencing data of the new virus was posted on by researchers from Fudan University, Shanghai....
As COVID-19 swept through the South, Mel Prince watched with alarm as some of the HIV positive patients she helps in the rural Black Belt stopped showing up for lab tests and doctor's visits.
Public health officials have been talking a lot about "community-based transmission" of COVID-19 and it's not always clear how this is different from a person who picked up COVID while traveling abroad. Because of the travel alerts and the public health screening at airports, many people wh...
Many questions remain about how to mitigate the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Community monitoring and mental health screening could be implemented in selected groups, or digital health and digital phenotyping could be used to switch from individual-based approaches to population-wid...
the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where they can raise any virus-related questions of their interest. They have had interviews with officials from both central and local governments as well as experts and scholars. Many foreign journalists went to Wuhan to ...
Mutation Screening Other institutions have begun efforts to screen for variants of concern by detecting characteristic mutations. For instance, the N501Y mutation in the spike protein is common to the major Variants of Concern (UK B.1.1.7, Brazil P.1, and S Africa B.1.351) and E484K is pre...