Although childcare is not the primary function of schools, the experiences of families and communities during school closures during the spring of 2020 make clear that schools serve an important role in providing a safe and nurturing space for children while their caregivers work. Even though the ...
One impact was to widen the gaps in educational opportunities between the rich and poor. Children with internet access, computers, and supportive families fared better. "Students from privileged backgrounds ... could find their way past closed school doors to alternative le...
How big was the loss of professional competence development of prospective teachers in field experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic? To quantitatively estimate the effects of school closures in early 2020 on the outcomes of field experiences, we conducted comparative analyses of the development of ...
Municipalities that opted for school closures and those that chose not to both saw infections in their jurisdictions rise before dropping to the previous level over the month from late March 2020. Infection numbers are affected by not only school closures but also various other factors, such as p...
We focus on the impacts of school closures in response to COVID-19. This study's findings complement research by Fitzpatrick et al. (2020) which shows that school personnel are an important channel for child maltreatment reporting. As such, our main contributions are (i) to show that in ...
This systematic review assesses published reports on the associations of COVID-19 school closures during broader social lockdown measures and mental
If decision makers believe that their remote-learning offerings are effective and equitable enough to avoid learning shortfalls, then longer school closures may be feasible. However, an uneven rollout of remote learning represents lost learning for every day out of school....
Silverman M, Sibbald R, Stranges S (2020) Ethics of COVID-19-related school closures. Can J Public Health. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations MRE-Netz Rhein-Main, Frankfurt,...
I never wanted to be a homeschooling mom. In fact, I used to joke that I didn’t homeschool because doing so would make me stop liking my children. And yet, here we are.
The study was a population-based time series analysis of all 50 US states conducted between March 9, 2020, and May 7, 2020. This period allowed for at least 6 weeks of data collection after school closures in each state. The...