June 24, 2020 – The Ontario government has produced a new workplace guide—available as ahandy Word template download—that will help employers develop a safety plan to better protect workers, customers and clients. A key part of theworkplace guideis risk assessment and control. The first ste...
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has precipitated the present outbreak of COVID-19, a highly infectious respiratory disease. This Collection brings together advances in the tools researchers are developing to combat this pandemic – from methods of detection, to potential treatment – updates relating...
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Ms Bach reported service on the board of directors of Polybio outside the submitted work. Prof Palmer reported personal fees from CanCOVID during the conduct of the study. Dr Razak reported personal fees from Ontario Health and employment with Public Health Ontari...
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario) (2021, November 1). Negative impacts of community-based public health measures on children, adolescents and families during the COVID-19 pandemic: Update. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Renov, V., Risser, L., Berger, ...
With a significant percentage of the electorate continuing to exercise COVID-19 protocols, there are plans to make casting ballots more convenient, but not by adding e-voting to the mix this time out.Read more… Out-of-towners urged to stay away from southwestern Ontario beaches ...
After four days of being conspicuously absent from the public eye amid calls for his resignation, Ontario's premier has finally been located — or rat…
Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have had less of an impact on older workers in the German labour market compared to younger, lower-wage employees. At the same time, interesting initiatives in workplace design that can help to support older workers are being promoted. One example is...
It performed worst on Ontario and British Columbia. This may be because the training data for these regions did not include the peak of the first wave, so the model predicts the first wave to increase further. The unbiased model, meanwhile, rarely predicted second waves for any region (see ...
The system must be in place so both the public and health care workers are reassured the health system has put best-practice infection control guidance into practice (Public Health of Ontario 2021). Over the past year, the public has become familiar with the importance of personal protective ...
Standardised protocols are needed on the management of people with serious mental health conditions who become infectious and require isolation, particularly for those in cohabiting living situations or inpatients. Muruganandam et al. (2020) Provide point-of-care COVID-19 testing within mental health ...