Factors Influencing Student Engagement in Online Learning during the COVID - 19 pandemic period in IndiaDeka, Pradeep KumarJournal of Management in Practice
During the lockdown period when children were at home, their bodies did not get an opportunity to go through this process at a natural pace, Ahmad said. "So when schools were reopened, immune systems of children were suddenly bombarded by these infections and they fell ill very frequently." ...
Online learningonline platformsperceptions of learners & educatorsCOVID-19educationIndiaCOVID-19, as a global pandemic, has called for social distancing. It has made people mandatory to sit indoor and sitting idle indoor may lead to mental stress.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
"However, signs of recovery are visible in 2021-22. During April-December, 2021 the total textiles and apparel, including handicrafts exports was 29.8 billion U.S. dollars as compared to 21.2 billion U.S. dollars for the same period last year," it said. Besides, India saw merchandise expor...
The COVID-19 pandemic not only resulted in loss of innumerable lives, it also left a permanent impact on the socio-economic fabric of the nation. Except for a handful of sectors which could manage to sustain themselves...
For example, in Delhi, we estimate three waves but with a bi-modal distribution during the first wave period of the country. In other districts, we observe that a relatively lower number of cases, with a speckle signature, during the beginning of the pandemic led to anomalous wave detection...
Spanish flu struck India at the same time and 10-20 million people, then 3-6 per cent of the population, had died. The major damage was caused in a short period from June 1918 to early 1919. The second wave of the pandemic lasted for less than three months - but wa...
The results primarily demonstrated that temperature was more significantly associated with the transmission of COVID-19 [27,28,29] and its survival period on the surfaces of objects [30]. Consequently, the disease was predominant in countries with low temperature and humidity [31], which was ...
(TPR) is high at 13.6 percent while the growth rate of new cases is 3.5 percent per day, which is more than double than that of the country. The 126 percent rise in active cases comes after the local festival of Onam, during which period it is likely that there was increased social ...
"In this period, India has set the goals of high growth, a saturation of welfare and wellness. This period of growth will also be green, it will also be clean, it will also be sustainable, it will also be reliable," he said.