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Country: Removed dashes in front of the ‘- other’ responses in Country. Start Date: Cases before the official launch date 2020-03-30 were excluded as they were test answers. Soft launch answers from Denmark and Kosovo before the start date were retained. Marital Status: Except for the ori...
In another milestone of the covid epidemic, the government has dropped rules requiring hospitals to report covid caseloads to the CDC. April 30 was the last day that U.S. hospitals had to report covid data to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. The HHS decided on that date ba...
Monday was called "Freedom Day" in England – the date on which most coronavirus restrictions would come to an end. That is not quite how they are framing it at Questors – and neither are some of the most famous theater companies in the land. The Royal Shakespeare Com...
China does not count asymptomatic patients as confirmed cases and as part of the official infection tally. To date, China has 83,378 confirmed cases. The first infections were traced to Huanan seafood market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December. No new deaths w...
this date onward, importers will no longer have to declare that they have implemented “preventative disinfection” of the goods. They will also no longer have to fill in the “departure date” of the import goods when making import declarations where the date involves COVID-19 management ...
-e open_source_<model>specifies the hyper-parameters, which can be changed Specify eitherunet2dorpspnetfor<model>to hot start with on of our pre-trained models. <model>is the architecture to run, eitherunet2dorpspnet. ...
and death are suitable endpoints to judge the success of repeated vaccine injections. To date, there are no high-quality data supporting vaccines in young ages, which was the root of Gruber and Krause’s objection. This was further described in multiple op-eds by Dr. Krause (2021a,2021b)...
We fitted a time-varying reproduction number (\({R}_{0}(t)\)) at two-week intervals, as well as the start date of the epidemic. Using our current globally-derived estimates of age-specific IFR42, we obtained a qualitatively good fit to the data, with the model largely able to ...
#WirvsVirus: hacking to fight the crisis The Federal Government's 'Hackathon' has yielded lots of suggestions for solving problems to do with the Corona crisis. This was Germany's biggest digital competition of ideas to date. Official COVID-19 hackathon in Sweden Official COVID-19 hackathon ...