Bhutan led the vaccination race, giving doses to 3.59 percent of its population every day this week. The country has given second doses to nearly 60 percent of its population in 10 days, as it did with the first shots. Among countries with more than a million inhabitants, Sri Lanka led ...
"These numbers are staggering.” The figures are from the "Children and COVID-19: State Data Report," which is updated every Monday by AAP and the Children’s Hospital Association. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 10.6 million children have tested positive f...
This parameterization is consistent with previous analyses of COVID-19 within the contiguous United States (Desjardins, Hohl, Delmelle, 2020, Hohl, Delmelle, Desjardins, 2020). We compute the expected and observed numbers of cases for each cylinder and perform a maximum likelihood test with null...
COVID-19 hospitalizations are the highest they’ve been in about a year. The numbers are elevated and increasing, but that increase is showing signs of leveling off.Ultimately, no one knows exactly how much COVID-19 is circulating in the U.S. ...
Along this line, there may be important post-covid complaints not studied here. For example, loss of taste and smell are commonly reported among patients1,28 but could not be studied here because of low numbers. In conclusion, we found that individuals with mild initial COVID-19 and a ...
States and counties are continuously ramping up testing and this sudden availability of tests can artificially distort counts by attributing individuals who were infected previously to a later date due to an earlier shortage of tests. These numbers are further complicated by the wide variety of ...
“But this week, for example, the Pfizer CEO said they could demonstrate efficacy with very small numbers (Herper2020a) of cases in the placebo and vaccine groups; these numbers seem totally out of line with what would be considered stopping rules. I mean, you're talking about giving a va...
“2020w5” and “w15” refer to the first and last week of the lockdown of Wuhan, which are the 5th week in 2020 and the 15th week in 2020, respectively. The numbers of orders in (a) is given in 1000. The net GMVs in (b), (d–f) are given in 1000 RMB. The weekly ...
The decision for a two-week social activity pause is due to the way the disease is spreading across the state. Health officials said that the “unprecedented” numbers suggest that Oregonians are circulating more in their communities, letting their guard down and attending more indoor social ...
will spread at the same pace, while holding all other factors equal. Dietz and Heesterbeek6also show that the growth of infectious viruses is relatively independent of the total population size. Therefore, the raw numbers of infected cases reveal more about the coronavirus situation of a country...