While these are common approaches, they present three fundamental limitations: the sample sizes are relatively small compared to the overall veg* population, participant numbers vary by country, and the results cannot be deemed statistically representative of the entire veg* community. Third, our ...
but the numbers are up over what they've been since May. They kind of went way down, to no patients with COVID in the hospital during the summer, to now back
The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated a global mental health crisis, with a particularly pronounced impact on the entrepreneurial sector. This paper presents a comparative analysis of mental health challenges among entrepreneurs in China during the pand
It appears that all those percentages and numbers don't help our authorities to do the right thing! They don't show much improvement. By now we should have learned a bit little more with countries that show a better management of the pandemic. For instance Greece! But instead of doing as...
Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning. Canada: Athabasca University; 2015. Google Scholar Leidl DM, Ritchie L, Moslemi N. Blended learning in undergraduate nursing education - A scoping review. Nurse Educ Today...
Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Award Numbers NU38OT2020001477, CFDA number 93.421 and 1NH23IP922639-01–00, CFDA number 93.185. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent ...
Dr. Offit explains that it is not the raw event numbers, but the distribution across arms that matter; one could have a significant trial even with few events, “assuming that you have just a handful or fewer people in your vaccine group who were ill.” And again, Offit replies, “I...
because they might inflate the true numbers by a factor of two.“As we look to shift from cases to hospitalizations as a metric to drive policy and assess level of risk to a community or state or country,” Doron told me, referring to decisions about school closures, business restrictions,...
Given that large and increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases, the therapeutic options in response to the pandemic and effective interventions for severe cases are urgently needed. So far, there is no specific prescription drug available for its general use to alleviate the severity of COVID-19. SA...
workers and transgender people (Global Network of Sex Work Projects2021b). Over 200 sex workers were vaccinated in Wadia Hospital, Mumbai after a special camp was organized for the concerned (Bose2021). However, the numbers of vaccinated FSWs might change due to extensive vaccination drives in ...