2.1. COVID-19 lockdown in India First lockdown: The Government of India ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days on the 24th of March 2020, restricting the movement of the entire population of India as a preventive measure to check the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. By the end of ...
UK COVID Researcher Says Any Lockdown Should Come Sooner Not Later More Reuters FILE PHOTO: A social distancing sign is pictured along a street, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Nottingham, Britain October 12, 2020. REUTERS/Carl Recine LONDON ...
Assessing the impact of lockdowns on COVID-19 incidence may provide important lessons for management of pandemic in resource-limited settings. We examined growth of incident confirmed COVID-19 patients before, during and after lockdowns during the first wave in Pune city that reported the largest...
In our sample of 252 participants, 48% (n = 121) had clinically relevant depressive symptoms shortly before the pandemic. For the sample as a whole, we found no evidence that depressive symptoms or self-esteem changed between pre-, during- and post-lockdown. However, we found evidence th...
The UK vaccination programme is a huge success. More than 95% of elderly aged 60 or over have received their first jabs. Half of the adults in UK have also received their first dose of vaccine. 18.03 The French Government announced a four-week lockdown in Paris and parts of northern Fran...
Low intensity scores indicate the absence of lockdown policies or policies that are minimally restrictive, while higher intensity scores indicate lockdown mandates that are more comprehensive and restrictive. We made minor adaptations to the Physical Distancing Intensity Coding Framework for this analysis....
TIMELINE 09:23, 02-Nov-2022 Chinese mainland records 465 new confirmed COVID-19 cases The Chinese mainland recorded 465 confirmed COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with 409 attributed to local transmissions and 56 from overseas, data from the National Health Commission showed on Wednesday. A total...
There are many aspects of distancing, such as recommendations for maintaining a physical distance in public, banning group gatherings (the maximum number and where they take place), or complete lockdowns, that complicate their assessment. Timing and synergies of policies and sociodemographic and ...
LockdownNO2OzoneParticulate matterSO2INDOORHEALTHThe present study, conducted in the most populous state of India, i.e., Uttar Pradesh, estimates the variation of air quality for the period between 2019 and 2021, taking into account the extraordinary situation of COVID19. The Government of India...
On January 30, 2020, India recorded its first COVID-19 positive case in Kerala, which was followed by a nationwide lockdown extended in four different phases from 25th March to 31st May, 2020, and an unlock period thereafter. The lockdown has led to colo