Each patient in HES is assigned a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) based on the patient's residence (postcode). LSOAs are made up of groups of Output Areas,2 about four or five, comprising between 400 and 1200 households and usually have a resident population between 1000 and 3000 persons....
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic intersected with advancements in technologies that have the potential to support public health surveillance efforts. Objective This scoping review aims to explore emergent public health surveillance methods during the early COVID-19 pandemic to characterize the impact...
NHS patients currently face a postcode lottery across the UK in access to the latest radiotherapy trials, technologies and approaches. Lack of up-to-date equipment, properly trained staff or support for clinical trials restricts access to advanced, high-precision radiotherapy in many parts of the c...
It just so happens that I’ve been working on a BlueTooth LE app recently where I am largely interested in when the BlueTooth device goes out of range. I tried putting the device in my kitchen refrigerator, about 15 feet (5 meters) and a few walls away from my desk. No luck; the s...
If you're getting 50 alerts, you are either in a highly infected area or you aren't doing social distancing right. Thank you for sharing this some with me instead of just downvoting it with explaining things to me. It’s appreciated. The temporary nature of the fil...
It’s my opinion –and this is only a personal opinion– is that the governmentrealised they needed to reduce the group size in order to achieve it’s targetof offering a vaccination to all those in the first 9 priority groups before May 2021. Group 6 is a substantial group, and by re...
«Reply #28 on:September 20, 2020, 09:53:52 PM » This website gives much more local figures, just enter your postcode in the search box. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=47574f7a6e454dc6a42c5f6912ed7076...
I think I've found it in the App Store.. It is in the exposure settings that I couldn't find it Correct, looks like Apple needs to update the listing. Was thinking about the part where you give it the first 4 of your postcode and it gives you...
In Table 1, it can also be seen that the City of Sydney local government area (LGA), which contains the central business district for the GSMA, is clearly the most employment intensive LGA in Sydney. This is a feature replicated by many cities worldwide, with work being particularly ...
[62] Small area vulnerability index (Washington state, USA) Multilevel modelling of socio-demographic, occupation and health data and the COVID-19 cases Postcode-level estimation of COVID-19 vulnerability Bamweyana et al. [63] Vulnerability index for parishes in Kampala (Uganda) Composite index...