都道府県 province string 都道府県 日にち date string 日にち todayCases todayCases integer todayCases todayTests todayTests integer todayTests todayRecovered todayRecovered integer todayRecovered todayDeaths todayDeaths integer todayDeaths 事例数 cases integer 事例数 active active integer active...
No farm, no problem: Young farmers get their start in the industry in other ways OPINION: Winter Solstice is one of the best days of the year, for this reason Hay's Daze: Have a ho-ho-ho Christmas Lady Justice: Sorry, hands off my Canada More from Today In Alberta >Red...
This API provides updated real-time data on coronavirus cases from the worldometers page, provided by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world. - ChrisMichaelPerezSantiago/covid19
202.11 (issued on March 27, 2020) modifies the New York Professional Midwifery Practice Act to “allow midwives licensed and in current good standing in any state in the United States, or in any province of Canada, to practice in New York State without civil or criminal penalty.” As ...
The overall rate of symptomatic cases (796 vs. 404–534 per 100,000 persons) in Wuhan was much higher than that in the US and Québec, a severely affected province of Canada. Variation in testing strategies likely contribute to the difference in rate of symptomatic cases, in addition to ...
Canada’s top doctor says urgent action is needed to curb the spread of Omicron, which is now the dominant strain of COVID-19 in several provinces.
in searches for flight tickets and hotel bookings to Thailand on various Chinese online travel platforms.Looking ahead to the remaining months of 2023, the outlook appears highly optimistic. Overseas destinations experiencing strong demand for Chinese tourist visa applications include Canada, Germany, ...
“The numbers today remind us that we are still in a very precarious situation,” Henry said. The numbers indicate a continued concentration of cases in Fraser Health (447 new cases), followed by Vancouver Coastal Health (105), Interior Health (64), Northern Health (36) and Island Health ...
In panel A, the GSV time series used is for the “coronavirus” search term within the domestic geographical region related to the specific stock market. For instance, the volume of Google searches for “coronavirus” in Canada is the dependent variable for the TSX returns. In Panel B, we ...
The situation is most serious in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, where officials say the province is close to its “worst case scenario” projections for the third wave. The province came dangerously close on Friday to shattering a record for a single day increase in ...