Impact of Covid-19 on the Mental Health of University StudentsSulhi A AlfakehAnnals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
The report on the survey's findings noted that symptoms of mental health conditions have been high in college student populations since before the start of the pandemic. But relative to fall 2019, the prevalence of depression increased while substance use decreased in spring 2020. And compared to...
The current study assessed the effects of COVID-19 on student mental health. Results showed that COVID-19 had a significant impact upon depression, anxiety and Smartphone use/addiction. The proportion of the 2021 group who met clinical thresholds for depression was significantly higher, reaching 44...
The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected people of all ages across the world both physically and psychologically. Understanding COVID-19’s impact on university students’ mental health status in Bangladesh has been limited, yet is a necessary population to study, since they are particularly vuln...
We talk about an infectious disease pandemic, but we also have to recognize we have a mental health pandemic. And one group that we haven't spent enough time talking about is kids and the impact of the COVID pandemic and some of the actions we need to taken during the pandemic, such ...
Post-secondary Student Mental Health During COVID-19: A Meta-Analysis 2021, Frontiers in Psychiatry Show abstract The prevalence of fatigue among Chinese nursing students in post-COVID-19 era 2021, PeerJ Show abstract Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of US college students 2021, BMC ...
Worldwide, this pandemic had a huge impact on the mental health of people in many countries causing similar reaction in terms of emotions and concerns at the population level. Our study investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychological well-being in a cohort of Italian ...
Acting decisively in the near term could help to address learning delays as well as the broader social, emotional, and mental-health impact on students. In mobilizing to respond to the pandemic’s effect on student learning and thriving, countries also may need to reassess their education systems...
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted greatly the mental health of children. We performed a systematic review to better understand the impact of the pandemic
There has been significant disruption to the lives and mental health of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychological and lifestyle impact of the pandemic on Australian adolescents, using an online survey, administered during the outbreak. Self...