9, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Loss of taste and smell are common in COVID-19 patients, and it often occurs before other symptoms, a new study says. It included 93 people, average age 63, with COVID-19 who were admitted to an Italian hospital in March. None of them ended up in ...
This cross-sectional study investigates long-term outcomes in taste and smell function among individuals with past COVID-19.
SMELLTASTECOVID-19COVID-19 pandemicSMELL disordersThe article discusses a study of several COVID-19 patients in Italy, revealing that recovery of smell and taste issues after mild infection extends over three years, with taste problems resolving more quickly than smell.Harris...
To gain a better understanding of how people with altered smell and taste might have developed antibodies after a Covid-19 infection, the researchers enrolled 309 patients who are a part of the NewYork-Presbyterian/Columb...
Around five percent of people who have had COVID-19 develop long-lasting problems with their sense of smell or taste, a large study said Thursday, potentially contributing to the burden of long COVID.
"More research is needed to determine whether this decrease in white blood cells we observed can be used to help identify patients in the early stages of COVID-19infection," said Bax. "For people whose first symptoms were loss oftasteandsmell, we found very few hadnasal congestion, so we...
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have taken drastic measures to avoid an overflow of intensive care units. Accurate metrics of disease spread are critical for the reopening strategies. Here, we show that self-reports of smell/taste
NBA star Rudy Gobert says he's lost his sense his smell and taste over the last few days after testing positive for coronavirus less than two weeks ago. Gobert wondered publicly about his symptoms, which a British medical group says have also been observed in other people who tested ...
Due to the heavy societal and economic impact of measure such as the lockdown1, accurate means to characterize the spread of the disease would be extremely helpful for the reopening strategies. Concurrently, smell and taste changes have been identified as among the most specific symptoms of CO...
new loss of taste or smell nausea or vomiting diarrhea dizzinessSymptoms can vary based on variants circulating in the community, as well as vaccination and immune status of the person. In some cases, some people with COVID-19 have no symptoms. Serious...