GoCoronaBot India Bot that tweets the latest coronavirus stats in India. Telegram LinkDescription SG Fight Coronavirus Let's Fight Coronavirus together in Singapore. Coronavirus Updates Info-sharing on COVID-19. Coronavirus Info Today's top stories regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. Wuhan 2019 Novel...
Flattening the curve on COVID-19https://www.nia.or.kr/site/nia_kor/ex/bbs/View.do?cbIdx=39485&bcIdx=22151&parentSeq=22151 The Innovative Korean Companies with solution for COVID-19by born2global Uganda NextGenCoviAI- next generation COVID-19 AI Empowered Management Platforms for Resource ...
It will be when we can ease off restrictions, have just light [safe management measures] in place, and cases remain stable – perhaps hundreds a day, but not growing," Lee said. "When our hospitals can go back to business as usual, when we can resume doing the things we used to do,...
In this paper, we have implemented a large-scale agent-based model to study the outbreak of coronavirus infectious diseases (COVID-19) in Singapore, taking into account complex human interaction pattern. In particular, the concept of multiplex network is utilized to differentiate between social inte...
Compared with other places, such as Singapore, Seoul, London, and Tokyo, Hong Kong has been relatively successful in terms of controlling the rate of infections (Lam et al., 2020; Wong et al., 2020a; 2020b, 2020c). Comparative discussions of COVID-19-related policies and societal ...
Investigation of three clusters of COVID-19 in Singapore: implications for surveillance and response measures. Lancet. 2020;395(10229):1039-1046. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30528-6PubMedGoogle Scholar 88. Qi B, Peng H, Shou K, et al. Protecting healthcare professionals ...
Singapore Jason CH Yap. Singapore has one of the fastest ageing populations in Asia, with an estimated 15.2% of the population being aged 65 and above. Some 28.7% of older people are still employed, constituting 7.2% of the workforce [9]. ...
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong promised on April 10 that the city-state would do its best to take care of foreign workers' health, livelihood and welfare here, and to let them go home, safe and sound, to their family members. ...
responses. Privacy and anonymity were nevertheless preserved in these samples. This allowed us to check whether experience of participation affects our findings. When specifically checking among participants matched across waves we find non-significant results that go in the same direction (see end of ...
In Africa, refusal of COVID-19 and other vaccines is widespread for different reasons, including disbelief in the existence of the virus itself and faith in traditional remedies. In sub-Saharan countries, refusal is often made worse by opposition to vacc