Situation Reports - March 25, 2020 By Geopolitical Monitor The COVID-19 outbreak has worsened since the previous update and now totals over 435,000 cases worldwide. According to data compiled by John Hopkins University, countries with the largest outbreaks are as follows: China (81,661 cases)...
ECONOMIC IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMICCOVID-19Health economicsRelative value unitThe report is about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on different sectors of the economy.doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.028Shohini RoyWorld Neurosurgery
To our knowledge, our study is among the first to conduct an economy-wide economic analysis. Zhang et al. (2020) also investigates the macro-economic impact of the COVID-19 in China but largely focuses on agri-food system. Third, we address the often-asked question about the relative ...
The “Agriculture sector and food security” section is based on the impact faced by the agricultural sector and consequent food security issue, whereas “Poverty and labour market” is addressed in the “Poverty and labour market” section. “Socio-economic impacts” due to the COVID-19 ...
The COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic is sending shocks through the world economy. Businesses that act now, plan now can minimize the economic damage that the virus is causing.
Spotlight: Gov'ts, int'l organizations move to mitigate economic impact amid rising COVID-19 cases Photo taken on March 3, 2020 shows the almost-empty shelves of pasta at a supermarket in London, Britain. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday set out the government's action plan ...
N. ‘Not a Good Time’: Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Africa Working Paper Series no. 338 (African Development Bank Group, 2020). High-Frequency Phone Survey on COVID-19 2020—Ethiopia (World Bank, 2020); High-Frequency Phone ...
COVID-19 Crisis: More Severe Economic Fallout than Anticipated COVID-19危机:经济影响比预期更为严重 Economic data available at the time of the April 2020 WEO forecast indicated an unprecedented decline in global activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data releases since then suggest even deeper ...
3. The economic impact of COVID-19 Equated to the economic damage caused by World War II (Watts, 2020) in addition to being regarded as a “Black Swan” event (Deloitte Insights, 2020), the eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely wrecked worldwide economy. Some analysts have pred...
【Abstract】Although the COVID-19 incident in China is not over yet, but it is a "black swan" event for both China and the world, which has a short-term and long-term impact on the international and domestic economic situation and development. ...