To restore African economy, Chinese government took a stake to cancel the debt of relevant African countries in the form of interest-free government loans that are due to mature by the end of 2020. China also has pledge...
green debt recovery planLatin America recovery planclimate change measuresenergy sectorbest green recovery practicesThere are no recovery plans in Latin America to face the economic consequences of COVID-19. The European Union passed a Recovery Plan for Europe which will reactivate the European economy...
Debt reduction.As the U.S. moves into a period of post-COVID recovery, you might also be planning on reducing your debt more aggressively. (If you are, be sure toread this post first.) If debt reduction is part of your financial plan, be sure to account for the extra payments. In ...
Christophe Barraud, chief economist and strategist at Market Securities, shared an article on Prime Minister Mario Draghi set to unveil a $266.4bn recovery plan to radically restructure Italy as it struggles to bounce back from its deepest Covid-induced recession since the Second World War. Draghi...
An increasing number of municipal, county and state governments are using federal pandemic relief funds to pay residents’ burdensome medical debt.
The extra budget will weigh on Japan's fiscal health, which is the worst among major economies. Due to dependence on borrowing to fund expenditure, government debt is expected to be close to 1,000 trillion yen (8.7 trillion U.S. dollars) by the end of fiscal 2021. ...
policies were often accompanied by new national development and strategic plans incorporating a wide variety of non-fiscal measures, including industrial, debt and monetary policy12. As policymakers directed their attention to pandemic recovery, calls to ‘build back better’ highlighted the need for ...
national authorities must protect education budgets and include education in COVID stimulus packages. The international community must protect official development assistance for education. Relieving, postponing and restructuring debt for low and lower-...
The recovery fund is being viewed as an exceptional tool for exceptional times – a rationale that has helped the plan survive intense scrutiny from ‘Frugal Four’ governments in northern Europe, who have together long been averse to the slightest hint of pooled liability in EU debt. But give...
CalHFA: In anticipation of the Qualified Mortgage (QM) patch expiring and volatility in the Capital Markets, CalHFA announced that effective for all loans rate locked on or after May 1, 2020, the maximum total Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio for all eligible borrowers for a CalHFA loan cannot...