collection was impossible, data were extracted from electronic health records. Ethics approval and informed consent were obtained according to local regulations, which included a waiver of consent to collect de-identified data at several sites due to the burden on front-line workers and the data pro...
(1) better understand the effects of sampling bias in online COVID-19 research; and (2) examine the degree to which adjusting analyses for demographic covariates can successfully attenuate such bias. What did we find? Convenience participants were more favourably disposed towards engaging in COVID-...
Master’s Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 2010. [Google Scholar] Eisenberg, N.; Miller, P.A. The relation of empathy to prosocial and related behaviors. Psychol. Bull. 1987, 101, 91–119. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Tedeschi, R.G.; Park, C.L.; ...
Start-up funds, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, University of Manitoba, and Social Science and Humanities Research Council provided funding for student involvement. Institutional Review Board Statement All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance ...
(Venkatesh); Department of Medicine, Critical Care and Hematology/Medical Oncology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Zarychanski); Department of Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California (Lewis); Department of Emergency Medicine, David Geffen School of ...
before. What I’m noticing is that people are beginning to question everything now. Vaccines that I know people would normally take without any hesitation or anything because they trusted the process. But now, what I’m noticing is that people are more critical all around. (Manitoba, Woman)...
Advertisement 1 Canada's doctors can't practise anywhere in the country due to interprovincial barriers The Canadian Medical Association has long pushed for a 'pan-Canadian approach' as part of the response to the health workforce crisis
Approval for this research was granted by the University of Manitoba Research Ethics Board (Reference number: H2020:510, Linked with H2020:164) and through Ryerson University Research Ethics Board (REB 2020‐445). 8. Consent to participate All participants gave informed consent to participate in ...
Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) is a significant public health concern. We describe Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) on 590 participants prospectively assessed from hospital admission for COVID-19 through one year after discharge. Modeling ident
(e.g. Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta, Workers’ Compensation Board of Manitoba, WorkSafeBC, Institute for Health Economics) and charities linked to professional body membership (e.g. Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada, Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation). Additionally, he has received ...