What COVID-19 variant are we on? Currently, thedominant variant nationwide is XEC, with 37% of cases, followed by LP.8.1, with 31% of cases, and KP.3.1.1, with 9% of cases. "The original omicron variant is gone now," says Dr. Rupp. "Currently subvariants of omicron are circulati...
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Nevada on Saturday reported 1,589 additional known COVID-19 cases and one additional death from the coronavirus outbreak as the statewide totals rose to 215,653 cases and 2,944 deaths since the pandemic began.
It also moved from highlighting the prevention of inbound cases and domestic resurgences, to shifting the management of COVID-19 with measures designed for combating Class B infectious diseases from Class A. Such endeavors enable the country to withstand the impact of multiple rounds of global ...
For asymptomatic to mild cases, the CDC recommends isolating for five days, not including the day you test positive or when symptoms first appeared. You should also wear a mask through Day 10. "Isolation can be discontinued at least 5 days after symptom onset (day 0 is the day symptoms ...
RSV cases also are starting to inch up. Last week, the CDC alerted doctors about an increase in RSV activity across some parts of the Southeast. Regional increases have usually predicted the beginning of RSV season nationally, the CDC wrote in an advisory notice. ...
"I think we need decide to if we're going to end up using those restrictions that have been brought in elsewhere in Europe today and yesterday. And if we’re if we're going to do that, then we should think about timing. And sooner is better than later for these,"...
Researchers in Belgium have discovered a "clear link" between low levels of vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 cases. Studies consistently show that at least 40 percent of the Belgian population has inadequate levels of vitamin D, known as the "sunshine vitamin." But scient...
“With today's decision, an updated vaccine will shortly become available that helps address multiple Omicron XBB-related sublineages, which currently account for the vast majority of COVID-19 cases globally,” said Prof. Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-founder of BioNTech...
At least12,000Americans have already died from COVID-19 this month, as the country inches through its latest surge in cases. But another worrying statistic is oftencitedtodepict thedangersof this moment: Thenumberof patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States right now is as high...
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky had 695 new cases of coronavirus reported Wednesday, along with 24 deaths, as the positivity rate continued to decline, Gov. Andy Beshear said.