Last_Update - The most recent date the file was pushed. Lat - Latitude. Long_ - Longitude. Confirmed - Aggregated case count for the state. Deaths - Aggregated death toll for the state. Recovered - Aggregated Recovered case count for the state. Active - Aggregated confirmed cases that have...
1 only represents the testing and reporting cycle, which leads to counting of cases, and it does not include COVID-19 contact tracing and case management; however, we recognize that testing, contact tracing and case management are intricately linked to each other in the spread of COVID-19 [...
Yellowknife hasn’t seen a rise in severe COVID-19 cases in the last three weeks despite a spike in the viral load in the city’s wastewater.Read more… Ottawa police brace for new convoy protest, ban vehicles from downtown Ottawa police are bracing for another protest, called Rolling Thun...
Ontario unveiled itsplan to re-open the economybut officials have not set dates on when busineses can slowly start to re-open. In a press conference, Premier Doug Ford said there would have to be a "consistent two-to-four week decrease in the number of...
OTTAWA — With more Omicron variant cases surfacing in Canada, the federal government banned several new countries from flying here and stepped up testing and quarantine procedures. The government added Egypt, Malawi and Nigeria to a list of seven countries announced on Friday where foreign nation...
results that are reported for today but are actually from a previous day, occasional false positive tests and other data discrepancies. Because of this, the previous day’s total number of cases plus the number of new daily cases d...
First, there are studies that tracked changes in the public's psychology regarding the epidemic to determine the country's general response to infectious diseases. The other remaining studies can be sub-divided into studies empirically analyzing unconfirmed new symptoms, the number of new cases, or...
The shift away from a large-scale COVID-19 public health response comes at a time when cases are surging across the province and wastewater levels are the highest they have been in more than a year. In Ottawa, there are currently 11 COVID-19 outbreaks...
The seven-day average of new cases has consistently risen over the past four days and is currently approximately 761. Today's new cases are concentrated in the areas of Toronto, Peel Region, Ottawa and York Region. Durham and Halton region again saw double-digit increases with 29 new cases ...
Ontario cases approach 1,000 Ontario is reporting 135 new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the provincial total to 993. There are three new deaths, meaning 18 people have died of the virus in Ontario. No information is available for any of the new cases, with all of them lis...