The exploration of dataset noise filtering techniques (all k-edited nearest neighbors, blame based noise reduction, and condensed nearest neighbors) on the dataset of COVID-19 infection cases in South Korea, which has not been conducted before; ii. The combination of noise filtering combined with...
Colleges: Cases on college and university campuses. Excess deaths: The elevated overall number of deaths during the pandemic. Mask use: A July 2020 survey of how regularly people in each county wore masks. Averages and anomalies: A set of pre-computed rolling averages of cases and deaths for...
This API provides updated real-time data on coronavirus cases from the worldometers page, provided by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world. - ChrisMichaelPerezSantiago/covid19
Risk factors, epidemiological and clinical outcome of close contacts of COVID-19 cases in a tertiary hospital in southern India. J Clin Diagn Res. 2021;15(3):LC34-LC37. 17. Backer JA, Eggink D, Andeweg SP, et al. Shorter serial intervals in SARS-CoV-2 cases with ...
The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main ...
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly modified our urban territories. One of the most strongly affected parameters was outdoor noise, caused by traffic and human activity in general, all of which were forced to stop during the spring of 2020. This caused a
Lauren Nichols, a board member at the long COVID support group Body Politic, said that through contact with family members on social media she was aware of more than 50 people with long COVID who had killed themselves, though Reuters was unable to independently confirm the case...
Interestingly, factors such as geographic location and thus severity of COVID-19 outbreak in a given area were not associated with our measured mood symptoms, suggesting that communities deemed at lower risk of community spread are not immune from the overwhelming influence of the COVID-19 ...
As COVID-19 cases spread quickly in April, Denise Cherry was afraid to leave her home. She had___three family members to the virus, and with medical problems of her own, she wasn’t taking any___. Hopeless, the 65-year-old woman responded to a post from a stranger off...
374 @GuangchuangYu/nCov2019 query stats of infected coronavirus cases 300 @openZH/covid_19 COVID19 case numbers Cantons of Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein (FL) - case numbers include persons tested in the respective area. The data is updated at best once a day (times of collecti...