India has recorded 106,750 confirmed cases, 3,303 deaths, 42,298 cured cases, according to the latest update released by the Union Ministry for Health and Family Welfare on Wednesday evening. 19 May India has recorded 10,1139 confirmed cases, 3,163 deaths, 39,174 cured cases, according to...
This finding contrasted with the distribution of COVID-19 cases in the United States, where population density had no association with COVID-19 incidence rates in the initial phases of disease spread when the size of the metropolitan areas had been controlled for21. Besides density, urbanization ...
The drop in cases and deaths due to COVID-19 infections in India has beenattributed to India’s national policy of using homeopathy. Early in the epidemic, the national “Ministry of AYUSH, recommended the use of Arsenic album 30 as preventive medicine against COVID-19. Its prophylactic use ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread obstreperously in India. The increase in daily confirmed cases accelerated significantly from ~ 5 additional new cases (ANC)/day during early March up to ~ 249 ANC/day during early June. An abrupt change in this temporal pattern was noticed during mi...
Currently Infected Patients 25,852,886 (99.6%) in Mild Condition 109,844 (0.4%) Serious or Critical CLOSED CASES 76,043,754 Cases which had an outcome: 73,841,177 (97%) Recovered / Discharged 2,199,099 (3%) Deaths # Country,Other TotalCases NewCases TotalDeaths NewDeaths TotalRecovered...
‘neither disagree nor agree’. In some cases, when more appropriate, we used other response scales (e.g., the generosity measure, where a 0–100% response scale was applied to hypothetical donations). In total, we collected 98 unique variables and meta-data. To ensure participants’ ...
the factory owners confirmed that there is no certainty of business and they will have to lay off staff as the cases are rising in the country. Due to large numbers, the workers have received very scanty financial and health assistance from the government and industry. The larger the nation,...
Complications could also embody respiratory illness, acute metabolic process distress syndrome, and even death in critical cases [4]. The hatching period of COVID-19 usually revolves around 2 weeks or longer. Throughout the period of latent infection, the disease is still dangerous. It has been...
The major goal of this research in this regard is to develop a model that can forecast COVID-19-positive cases. All shareholders will benefit from this while developing and revising their pandemic response plans. For precise COVID-19 spread prediction, the research recommends an adaptive gradient...
Lima-Morales et al., International Journal of Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2021.02.014 Effectiveness of a multidrug therapy consisting of ivermectin, azithromycin, montelukast and acetylsalicylic acid to prevent hospitalization and death among ambulatory COVID-19 cases in Tlaxcala, Mexico 78%...