During the past 24 hours Delhi reported 290 new COVID-19 cases and one death. Presently there are 1,103 active cases in the national capital. As many as 120 patients have recovered from the pandemic in the last 24 hours, said Delhi's health department. At present, the state's cumulative...
NEW DELHI, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- India reported 16,167 new cases of COVID-19 during the past 24 hours, taking the total tally to 44,161,899 in the country, according to federal health ministry data released on Monday morning. Monday's new cases marked a decrease in comparison to the d...
NEW DELHI -- India's federal health ministry Friday morning said the death toll due to COVID-19 in India rose to 437 and the total number of confirmed cases in the country reached 13,387. This is a jump of 17 deaths and an increase of 628 cases since last evening. People work at a...
Nationally, India added a total of 36,800 new cases in the last 24 hours, and 596 new fatalities that brought the country’s total death toll to 28,099, including more than 100 doctors. The spread of the virus has accelerated in other parts of the country, including poorer states with ...
NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: India has crossed a crucial milestone in the fight against COVID-19. In a landmark achievement, for the first time, a record number of more than 12 lakh COVID tests have been conducted in a single day.With 12,06,806 tests conducted in the last 2...
The death toll in Italy has risen in the last 24 hours by 427 to 3,405, surpassing the total number of deaths so far registered in China, officials said, as the tally worldwide nears 10,000. The total number of coronavirus cases in Italy has reached over 41,000, while cases in Germa...
The health ministry on Tuesday announced that only 125 new cases of the virus had been detected over the prior 24 hours, the lowest number since authorities began publishing nationwide figures on Jan. 21. Another 31 deaths were reported, all of them in the hardest-hit province of H...
NEW DELHI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- After days of reporting over 20,000 new cases a day, India's daily caseload on Monday slipped to 16,866, officials said. According to federal health ministry data released on Monday morning, 16,866 new cases of COVID-19 were reported during the past 24...
Amid concerns about rising daily COVID-19 cases, many states have reinstated the mandatory face mask rule in public places to counter the spread of infections and even warned to penalize violators. The local government in New Delhi last week made wearing face masks mandatory in public places and...
The onset of the second wave of COVID-19 devastated many countries worldwide. Compared with the first wave, the second wave was more aggressive regarding i