Moderna President Stephen Hoge said seeing some "breakthrough" infections emerge among the vaccinated within six months has been surprising, even if most symptoms so far have not been life-threatening. "I think that suggests we are going to need booster vaccines to get through the winter," he ...
Around 227.7 million elderly who are 60 years old or older had received at least one jab, around 215.6 million of whom are fully vaccinated. This means that 81.67% of the elderly population have been fully vaccinated in China. About 162.3 million elderly have received a booster shot. Wu said...
The city is stepping up COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly after the government relieved the COVID management rules. Senior residents are starting to receive the second booster shots. To make the process more convenient for the ...
“The inhaled vaccine, in particular, is noninvasive and easily administered, which is very convenient for the elderly,” she said. Li urged the elderly, who are more susceptible to COVID infections, to go to community heal...
VALLETTA, June 20 (Xinhua) -- The health authorities in Malta urge those over the age of 65 who have not yet received their COVID-19 booster shot to do so as the country is experiencing a drastic increase in new cases, Health Minister Chris Fearne said here on Monday. ...
According to Veran, a second booster dose would reduce the risk of hospitalization, reanimation and death for those who are 60 years old and above. In France, more than 500,000 people over the age of 60 have received their booster shots over six months ago, he added.■...
1,2 Among youth who were recommended for booster vaccination in January 2022 (adolescents) and May 2022 (children), rates of booster vaccination are even lower, with only 3.2% of children 5-11 years and 6.0% of adolescents 12-17 years having received the updated booster vaccine in January ...
BOOSTER vaccinesCOVID-19 vaccinesOLDER peopleJUDGMENT samplingBIVARIATE analysisPEERSObjective: The major impact of COVID-19 occurs especially on the elderly, however the vaccination achievement rate among them tends to be low. The COVID-19 vaccination strategy for the elderly must ...
When responding to whether the summer of 2022 was a good time for the shift, Liang said it was not suitable because the vaccine booster and overall vaccination rates for the elderly group in China had failed to meet expectations at that time. So the country took that period to further ...
The Omicronvariant's(变异体)high transmissibility, China's relatively low booster shot coverage for the elderly, and theenormous(巨大的)pressure on the medical system ifrestrictions(限制)arelifted(消散,升起)prematurely(过早的,贸然的)are some of the reasons why the country must adhere to the dynam...