If you don't feel well, you may worry that you have COVID-19. The only way to know for sure is to take a test. At-home tests can tell whether you have the virus right now. More specialized antibody tests can show if you've had it already. Who Should Get Tested for COVID? Acc...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a searchable database of nearly 50 different at-home tests whose expiration dates have been extended. If even your tests’ extended expiration dates have passed, though, the FDA advises against using them. “COVID-19 tests and the parts they ...
But what if you have at-home COVID-19 tests nearing expiration or expired on your shelf? Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says companies set the originaltestdates arbitrarily due to these diagnostic at-home tests being developed rapidly. S...
According to the federal Food and Drug Administration, at-home COVID-19 tests have expiration dates printed on the boxes thatindicate"the end of the test'sshelf lifeand… the date through which the test is expected to perform as accurately as when manufactured." Over-the-counter COVID-19 t...
Updated expiration dates for COVID tests The FDA has extended expiration dates for dozens of brands of at-home COVID-19 tests. To see the FDA’s list and check for yours, click here. Free COVID tests Americans are able to again order free COVID-19 tests from the U.S. government....
Initially, when theFood and Drug Administrationgranted approval for22 different over-the-counter at-home COVID tests, they set the expiration dates for the kits at six months, which led to a number of the tests ending up in the trash after they went unused. ...
To find out how to get low- or no-cost COVID-19 tests from the federal government, visit theCOVID-19 Testing pageon COVID.gov. Has the FDA updated expiration dates for COVID-19 at-home tests? Yes. The FDA has a list ofextended expiration dateson its website. ...
2. Previously, the free tests were typically shipped within seven to 12 days of ordering, with most tests delivered by the USPS within 48 hours of shipping. And here’s an important note about expiration dates: Several FDA-authorized at-home OTC COVID-19 tests have had their expiration ...
The FDA has alist of updated COVID test expiration dates. If yours have not expired, you may want to hold off on placing your order (which will help others get usable tests) until you’ve used up your current stash of kits. For more info on COVID tests, check out theHHS COVID tes...
Don't toss them just yet. The Food and Drug Administration recently updated its guidance on COVID test expiration dates after researchers discovered some tests have a longer shelf life than originally believed. "Most people who need COVID tests are relying on over-the-counter, at-home tests,...