It serves as a reflection point on the pressures the NHS has faced since and their likely genesis at a time when the impact of the pandemic on staff risks being forgotten.Vacek, AdamChandran, SiddharthanBauld, LindaLunan, CareyHorne, Andrew...
RCNi made our most relevant articles and learning modules free to help all nurses and healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sky News - First for Breaking News, video, headlines, analysis and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide. Data aggregated spatially and temporally are available at; note that we applied correction factors to early numbers of notifications based on analysis of data available...
The NHS England Secondary Uses Service (SUS) dataset contains well completed, accurate information on hospitalisation for COVID-19 in England, along with identifiers to augment these data through linkage to other routinely collected information. Admissions are, however, only entered into the SUS ...
A mental health app for young people has seen a spike of 168% during the coronavirus outbreak – and as a result of the increased demand is now freely available to young people across the UK.
NHS England circulated an email from the NHS Medical Director Professor Stephen Powis on March 17, 2020 stating that the Commission of Human Medicines and NICE have been asked to review the current evidence and formulate formal guidance, but in the interim the advice is to use paracetamol to ...
COVID-19 has delivered an enormous shock to the global economy, triggering the deepest recession in eight decades, almost three times as deep as the 2009 global recession. Of all the nations in Africa, Nigeria remains one of the nations with a huge and s
C. et al. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal: a prospective observational study. Lancet Glob. Health 8, e1273–e1281 (2020). Article Google Scholar Horton, R. Offline: COVID-19 and the NHS—“a national ...
Seen presently during the global COVID-19 global health crisis are the ways government agencies are enabled by digital data collection through the development of contact tracing technologies (CTT) and mobile-based tracking in their effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. While rece...