Review of organ damage from COVID and Long COVID: a disease with a spectrum of pathology 文章作者:Andrew G. Ewing*, Spela Salamon, Etheresia Pretorius, David Joffe, Greta Fox, Stephane Bilodeau and Yaneer Bar-Yam 通讯作者单位:Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothen...
Myocardial DamageCorona VirusLIVERKIDNEYCoronavirus particles contain four main structural proteins. These are the spike (S), membrane (M), envelope (E), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, all of which are encoded within the 3' end of the viral genome. The S protein (~150 kDa) utilizes an N...
61 . vascular issues and organ damage although covid-19 was initially recognized as a respiratory illness, sars-cov-2 has capability to damage many organ systems. the damage that has been demonstrated across diverse tissues has predominantly been attributed to immune-mediated response and inflammation...
Patients may have organ damage that can persist long after the acute phase of the infection has passed. A review from Veterans Affairs authors, published earlier this year, found major organ damage ranges between 2% and 22% in studies of COVID-19 patients after leaving the hospital. Some were...
Melatonin Dosage for Lung and Organ Damage Caused by COVID-19To briefly summarize what Dr. Neel and the hospital in the Philippines are doing to combat the damage caused by Covid-19, Dr Neel is giving his adult patients 80 mg of melatonin each day....
Long COVID: distinction between organ damage and deconditioning. J Clin Med. 2021;10:3782. Article CAS Google Scholar Wang H, Li R, Zhou Z, Jiang H, Yan Z, Tao X, et al. Cardiac involvement in COVID-19 patients: mid-term follow up by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. J Cardiovasc ...
The lung is the main affected organ in severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and lung damage is the leading cause of death in the vast majority of patients. Mainly based on results obtained by autopsies, the seminal features of fatal COVID...
Covid-19 can also damage the heart. It can inflame the tissues that surround the organ, as well as the blood vessels that ferry nutrients to it. That can weaken the heart muscle, and eventually lead to heart failure. Blood clots cause problems here, as well, since the heart must pump ...
hospital based and epidemiologic data show phenotypic variability, ranging from complete absence of symptoms (asymptomatic carriers) to cardiogenic shock, refractory respiratory failure and death. Viral load, immunologic response and pre-existing conditions likely contribute to organ damage and overall ...
It has been reported that long COVID-19 is associated with diverse potential complications, including postintensive care syndrome, postviral fatigue syndrome, long-term COVID-19 syndrome, and permanent organ damage [8], which have serious consequences that cannot be ignored. Moreover, any patient...