Exploring cooking skills, food preparation, and quality of dinner meals in Australian households during COVID-19Rathi, NehaRonto, RimanteNanayakkara, JanandaniWorsley, AnthonyInternational Journal of Home Economics
1 Lack of a formally approved COVID-19 vaccine was a common reason given for nonvaccination in polls prior to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the biologics license application—also called full approval—for the BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) COVID-19 vaccine.2,3 Understanding ...
The results revealed a significant indirect effect, indicating that symptoms of food addiction mediated the association between perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and emotional eating behaviour. Specifically, 61% of the influence of perceived stress on emotional eating during the pandemic was...
This change might have increased the number of online working hours online, which could have reduced time spent on food preparation. Belik (2020) indicates that even though home cooking increased, the effect on the families’ nutritional status was not well defined after the lockdown. One may ...
(2020) stating hedonic features/values significantly facilitate consumer perception and purchase intention toward novel nutritious food products with multiple attributes. These dimensions of the hedonic perspective are of pleasant taste; color of product; product tastier; and easier to use than what is ...
Medizinisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fonds des Bürgermeisters der Bundeshauptstadt Wien (no. CoVid004) and the project VET-Austria, a cooperation between the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety and the Universit...
pharmacies and drug stores, food preparation and delivery services, water-refilling stations, manufacturing and processing plants of basic food products and medicines, banks, money transfer services, power, energy, water and telecommunications supplies and facilities, shall be open," the memorandum read...
This suggests that safety measures including disinfection of surfaces, keeping working environments clean, food preparation and delivery, and social distancing may need to be taken into consideration across the food supply chain stages, especially the consumption stage to reduce the consumer concerns (...
Other industries, studied to a lesser extent, included the medical industry, food service industry, and manufacturing. From the perspective of the size of the enterprise, the attention paid to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was also very high. Table 1. Journals in which reviews articles ...
The economic crisis and food and health system disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic threaten to exacerbate undernutrition in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We developed pessimistic, moderate and optimistic scenarios for 2020–2022 and used three modelling tools (MIRAGRODEP, the Li...