Moderna aims to roll out a combined COVID-flu-RSV booster vaccine in late 2023, the US pharmaceutical firm said Monday, hoping a joint jab would encourage people to get an annual shot. The single vaccine for COVID-19, influenza andrespiratory syncytial virus—a common virus that causes the ...
The article reports on the announcement by United Kingdom's (UK) Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) that a COVID-19 booster vaccine and flu jabs will be offered to adult people over 50 years old in the autumn of 2022.Practice Nursing...
an expert New York City physician lamented that, “the history of vaccines is full of alarming missteps” (Sepkowitz2020). The piece detailed examples of the erroneous administration of the wrong tuberculosis vaccine, and an unapproved polio vaccine. It revisited the 1976 swine flu vaccine debacl...
For drugmakers, the prospect of producing an mRNAvaccineto ward off the flu is an appealing one, said Jamila El Bougrini, a biotech specialist at stock market analyst Invest Securities. The market for flu jab sales hit $5 billion in 2020, and this year could reach up to $7 billion. It...
In a shocking revelation first reported by Dan Dicks ofPress for Truth(Canada), an FDA document admits that the CDC and FDA conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments becaus...
Barry Young, a whistleblower from New Zealand’s public health agency, Te Whatu Ora, leaked the information to tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, a prominent vaccine critic, on November 9. In an interview explaining his motives, Young said the data shows that the COVID jab “is a killer’...
Competition During Covid-19 297received at least the first vaccine jab in high-income nations. Tobias Werronand Johannes Nagel’s historical examination of “scarcity nationalism” couldnot be more apt for thinking about debates over vaccine deliveries in Eu-rope and North America. Though writing ...
infections, the number of people dealing with long COVID is likely to rise, experts say. There's someresearch indicatingthat vaccinations can help prevent cases of long COVID, but other studiessuggestthat some vaccinated people still develop the chronic condition even after getting the jab. ...
Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) are investigating uptake of the flu vaccine among care home staff in a bid to see if lessons can be learned to encourage people to have a COVID-19 immunisation.
Hungary would be able to vaccinate more people in the next fortnight than in the previous two months combined thanks to the Sinopharm vaccine, said Gergely Gulyas, an aide to Orban. The government began deploying the Sinopharm jab on Wednesday and planned to administer 275,000 doses in the fi...