The Standardized Mean Difference (SMD) (Hedges’ g) [41] was used in order to estimate and evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual activity and functioning. All effect size estimates were reported with their computed 95% confidence interval (CI). The I2statistics was used t...
A population study of the association between sexual function, sexual satisfaction and depressive symptoms in men. J Affect Disord. 2004;82:235–43. PubMed Google Scholar Gillespie BJ. Correlates of sex frequency and sexual satisfaction among partnered older adults. J Sex Marital Ther. 2017;43:...
This cohort study analyzed persistent symptoms among adults with coronavirus disease 2019 up to 9 months after illness onset.
The Conservation of Resources Scale for COVID-19 (CORS-COVID-19) has recently been developed and validated among Chinese adults [20]. It allows researchers to gauge the levels/changes regarding losses due to COVID-19 in five domains (financial resource, family resource, future control, fun, ...
After decades of navigating HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, gay and bisexual men are responding to new and uncertain risks presented by the
To test these speculations and quantify the effects of the pandemic and its associated restrictions on social behaviors on pornography use, we analyzed data from a longitudinal sample of American adults. Baseline, nationally representative data were collected in August 2019 via YouGov (N = 2518...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Just 23% of American adults say they 'definitely' will get the new COVID-19 vaccine, while another 23% say they will 'probably' get it, according to a new poll, which also finds interest in the shot falls along ...
were in lockdown at home for six continuous weeks, when the adverse psychological effects on children and teenagers are yet to be determined. In this regard, the data in China indicate that the consequences on the levels of depression during quarantine were greater in teenagers than in adults2...
Despite these caveats, the early findings suggest higher resilience to the mental health effects of COVID-19 at least in a proportion of community-dwelling older adults. This resilience may reflect an interaction among internal factors (eg, biological stress response, cognitive capacity, personality ...
which are more often part of the lifestyles of adolescents, singles, and LGBTQ + -identifying people, among others, have been largely prohibited in the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures. This means that many adolescents and adults have had to adjust to long weeks and months without in...