The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare and exacerbates the existing insecurities of sex workers. This paper asks: What are sex workers’ everyday experie
At present, people in the two states who have been in close contact with a COVID-19 case must remain in home isolation for seven days. It is a rule which has hampered many businesses, especially in the retail and hospitality sectors, as they struggle to retain their staffing levels and ...
a positive test for another respiratory virus does not rule out COVID-19, and should not delay testing if there is a high suspicion of COVID-19 [40]. Given this high specificity, a single positive swab confirms the diagnosis of COVID-19 and is enough to trigger infection control precautio...
on March 5, the first Governmental rule appeared with the prohibition of grouping of more than 5000 individuals; on March 8, groupings of more than 1000 individuals were forbidden; the 11 March 2020, visits in retirement homes were forbidden; the 12 March 2020, first discourse of the Presiden...
Germany's COVID-19 measures were extended in late January and include contact restrictions, mandatory masks in schools and public transport, and the so-called 3G rule which requires valid proof of immunization after vaccination or recovery or a recent negative test in many areas of public life....
While UK courts are yet to rule on the legal status of long Covid, lawyers say many sufferers would have good cases to be treated as disabled, entitling them to reasonable adjustments to help them do their job. But it will take a concerted effort on the part of employers and policymak...
as they are closely related to overall health and quality of life. This is where media reports can have an educational and supportive effect. At the same time, it should be noted that the media discourse on “sex and the coronavirus” naturally follows the old rule of “sex sells” (Strei...
The \({H}_{England, t}\) declines through September as limits on gatherings (‘Rule of Six’) and regional health regulations were introduced, in response to increasing case numbers (see Fig. 1b). Figure 1 Changes of (a) \({H}_{England, t}\) and (b) daily new COVID-19 cases...
Almost all of the government employees and academicians have worked 5 days a week. On the other hand, more than half of the private sector employees (38 out of 64 respondents) have worked 6 days a week since most private companies work half a day on Saturdays in Turkey. Besides, there ...
While we also consider modal choice changes, it is the “stay home” rule most people apply in the first place during the initial stages of the epidemic. Early analysis already expected significant overall demand for travel reduction and move away from public transport (Musselwhite et al., 2020...