"We now have a name for the disease and it's COVID-19," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva.在日内瓦,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞对记者表示:“我们将这个疾病命名为COVID-19。”这个名字COVID-19来源于corona(冠状)、virus(病毒)以及disease(疾病)三个词,而19则代表这...
"The name it has now is not easy to use and the media and the public are using other names for the virus," says Dr Watson.❷“没有正式名称的危险在于,人们开始使用诸如‘中国病毒’等表述,这会导致人们对部分特定人群产生强烈抵制。”"The danger when you don't have an official name is t...
First of all, we now have a name for the disease:首先,我们现在有了这一疾病的正式名称:And it is COVID-19. And I will spell it: C-O-V-I-D hyphen one nine –COVID-19. CO stands for corona, you know, VI stands for virus, D stands for disease of COVID. 2019冠状病毒病(英文缩...
新名字诞生!2019冠状病毒病:COVID-19 全球研究与创新论坛2月11日在日内瓦开幕。世卫组织总干事谭德塞在记者会上宣布,将由新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)引发的疾病正式命名为:2019冠状病毒病,英文缩写COVID-19(Corona Virus Disease 2019)。 (图片来源:世界卫生组织微博)...
这个名字COVID-19来源于corona(冠状)、virus(病毒)以及disease(疾病)三个词,而19则代表这个疾病出现的年份2019年。新冠肺炎疫情是在2019年12月31日上报至世界卫生组织的。 谭德塞指出: "We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, ...
谭德塞表示,COVID-19中,CO代表冠状(corona),VI代表病毒(virus),D代表疾病(disease)。2019代表发现此病毒的年份。 Before the Tuesday announcement, the virus has been referred to as 2019-nCoV. At a news conference last Saturday, China’s National Health Commission gave the virus a temporary name, the...
2019冠状病毒病新名字:COVID-19 全球研究与创新论坛2月11日在日内瓦开幕。世卫组织总干事谭德塞在记者会上宣布,将由新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)引发的疾病正式命名为:2019冠状病毒病,英文缩写COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)。 (图片来源:世界卫生组织微博)...
(name) COVID-19,is a new illness and scientists are still studying the best ways to control it. Defeating COVID-19,(2) ___ ,is not only the job of scientists and doctors. People have an important role to play in the battle. The best way to help prevent the virus spreading is...
据人民日报消息,全球研究与创新论坛2月11在日内瓦开幕。世卫组织总干事谭德塞在记者会上宣布,世界卫生组织将新冠状病毒命名为“COVID-19”。此前,国家卫健委发布“新冠肺炎”英文名为Novel coronavirus pneumonia,简称NCP。The World Health Organization announces official name for the novel coronavirus on Feb. ...