On August 5, 2020, an essay appeared on the British Medical Journal (BMJ) opinion website entitled, “The rush to create a COVID-19 vaccine may do more harm than good” (Torreele2020). The article lamented the fact that a vaccine may only provide short term protection or may offer on...
Human life across local, regional, and global scales has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of Oct 25, 2021, more than 243 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and almost 5 million COVID-19-attributed deaths have been reported globally.53 Despite rapid progress of vaccine develo...
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Black Women in the US JAMA Network Open Research January 9, 2025 This qualitative study evaluates concerns and experiences associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Black women in the US. Public Health Health Policy Health Disparities Shared Decision Making ...
It found that people who caught C-19 during the first wave developed a degree of immune protection to the second wave “comparable with the highest available estimates on vaccine efficacies.” The study also found that no one who recovered from C-19 in the first wave died from it during ...
and phases of the COVID-19pandemic are changing the Hungarian language, detect theCorona-,COVID-,pan-demic-,virus-,mask-,quarantine-, andvaccine-related neologisms, and offer anoverview of the most frequent or linguistically interesting Hungarian neologismsand multiword units related to COVID-19....
country, neighboring countries quickly followed suit (Herby et al.,2022, p. 3). The regulatory response to the COVID-19 pandemic harks back to the swine flu episode of 1976. It was then that, at the behest of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a vaccine program was hurriedl...
Oh and there is absolutly nothing short term about COVID-19 the US are apparently going into a second wave right now. Also there will not be a vaccine untill autumn 2021 at the earliest and I can not see those in correctional facilities being high on the prioriry list. So that piece...
Health Organization’s declaration of a global pandemic. Taken together, we might read the phrases from this institutional still life as a prefiguration of the hope and despair brought by COVID-19 in the 2020-2021 academic year. Even now, in early 2021 with vaccine delivery underway, Canadian...
Abalaka's vaccine, the public embraced it as a lifesaver largely because it arrived at the right time, when there was “virtually complete inaccessibility [of] life-prolonging [HIV] medicines … in Nigeria” (Obadare and Okeke, 2011, p. 201). Taken together, these two particularities ...
This essay describes the impacts of COVID-19 related manifestations of post-truth in educational settings. Here, I focus on specifically on Australia, where there has been a reorientation of how wellbeing and academic achievement within schools reflect on broader trends within the general public, ...